First it’s like, awww he is so cute…then there are the exploding
bodies and the orange lethal alien is on the run trying to escape
its captivity.
This action puzzle game from Trapdoor and published by Electronic
Arts is another little surprise of a game that can be found on Xbox
Live Arcade. Our little orange friend crash lands (At least that’s
what I got out of the opening cut scene…) and is abducted and
spirited away and winds up in a research facility…t during captivity
some other being within the facility communicates with our alien,
hoping together to be able to find a way out…then it’s soon up to
the player to decide how to escape. They can try for stealth and
avoid conflict, or release some carnage on the abductors.

Using special abilities such as Frag, Echo, Swap, Launch, and Warp
and upgrades to get through the levels and if you’re really good
eventual escape. The special abilities that our deceptively cute
orange alien has are as follows. Frag - Warp into objects or humans
and destroy them from the inside. Echo – Create a decoy of yourself
to distract enemies. Swap – Place your Echo over an object to
instantly switch places with it. Launch – Warp into objects and fire
them away from you at high speeds. Warp - Teleport instantly through
walls, over obstacles, and into objects. Players will need all of
these abilities and making good choices on how to use them along the
way if they are going to make good their escape.
The puzzle obstacles grow more challenging as the game progresses,
ramping up nicely so the game does not become a bore, nor overly
easy. There are laser obstacles and upgraded guards that are
shielded from warp to make things more of a thinking person’s game.

There are frustrations in the game, though it does not really have
to do with the levels as much as the controls for our little alien
friend. Players have to be very sure of where they are warping, so
as not to warp in front of a laser turret, doing this will leave the
alien in a little orange goo on the floor…. or off of a high place
where our little orange guy will fall to a dark death. Laser turrets
can be temporarily shorted out for a short period of time if they
are warped into. Warping around the short distances for much of the
levels can be done by warping into barrels or through some walls.
Further on in the game, we find that we can warp into humans and
vibrate to the point of exploding them from the inside, this ability
should be used with some strategic thought behind it. Be aware that
other guards with weapons will notice another person acting
strangely and will shoot them, and therefore shoot our little alien
and kill them on the spot.

Save locations are auto save stations, these are control panels in
the wall that have a little computer disk icon; again, these are
auto save spots, when you get to them it just saves a checkpoint.
Along the way there are special little sections that can be warped
into that are challenge rooms, there are leaderboards, and players
can use these special rooms to win grubs and up their abilities. The
rooms consist of challenges of your little aliens abilities by way
of timed obstacle courses. Nice.
Along with the games gore and violence, there is some strong
language so this one is not for some young kids, check the rating
parents if you do want a surprise.

Built with the Unreal 3 engine, the visuals are decent enough with
its top down view giving the player a good view of the playing
levels as they go. The sound matches the game style and all are
While the game is not going to please everyone, the game brings it
old school harkening to some of the styles that started the action
puzzle gaming of old. Warp is a nice straight to the point gaming
experience that if you come ready to have some fun, you won’t be
Have fun, play games.
Edwin Millheim