Trials Evolution Riders of Doom
(XBL Download)

Welcome to the world of Riders of Doom which is the latest XBL download
for the extremely popular Trials Evolution Game. For those who
have never played Trials Evolution before, the player must control their
motorcycle rider on a 2D plane as they navigate their way through a
variety of nefariously placed objects.
Not only is the game frustrating but it's highly addictive to play. The
game also boasted an awesome multiplayer component which made this game
one of the best XBox Live titles. Now it's time for something different
and of course controller range.

those naughty developers at RedLynx continue their onslaught in this
addictive gaming universe with some awesome new level designs, Riders of
Doom will challenge every aspect of your persona as you attempt to make
your way through these tricky levels.
The new levels are quite surreal and strange at the same time,
especially as you race through Ancient Greek Ruins with another level
having UFO's as the backdrop. There's lot of variety here. And like
Trials Evolution, Riders of Room is equally as enjoyable and of course
frustrating. I so wanted to throw my 360 controller at my Plasma... in a
good way!

Boasting 20 new levels, supercross multiplayer courses, tournaments and
skill games, Riders of Doom is filled with content and once again the
star of the game are those amazingly well designed levels that will
really push you to the limit in solving the challenges as you play.
As you attempt to find a way through the level, there's always some
obstacle in place. However most of the time, it's player error that
causes you to fail. Just check out the screenshots if you don't
believe... especially the last one.

The developers have even added a new bike for players with the Banshee
350CC that gives you slightly faster acceleration time than the bikes
you may be use to. This does add another element of strategy to solving
the levels with the increased speed. Although not as fun as the BMX bike
from Origins of Pain, it's still fun to control.
I also enjoyed the new skill games included in this release, 10 to be
precise which really gives you a unique way of enjoying this title from
a different perspective. Once again, like the previous DLC Origin of
Pain, Riders of Doom offers lots of collectibles to found along the way
and trophies to be obtained.

In the end, Trials Evolution Riders of Doom is a must have piece of DLC
for Trials Evolution that creates another addictive experience that
blows open the walls and gives the gamer something bigger and better.
It's also quite affordably priced, considering the replay value a person
can get from this game.
This is hardcore gaming at its best! |