Transformers War for Cybertron
After a rather lacklustre and disappointing
Transformers game in 2007 (Transformers the Game) and also 2009
(Transformers Revenge of the Fallen), Activision have once again revisited
this franchise, hopefully to repent to the gaming community. With that
said, I must admit that I had some trepidation with this latest game, Transformers War for Cybertron but after seeing the
trailers over the last few months, my concerns slowly began to ease. Surely, they could
get it right this time! After 15 minutes of playing... I was happy!
terms of chronology, Transformers War for6 Cybertron is set before the
cartoon series or when the Transformers arrived on Earth and this
could be considered the official prequel by Hasbro. Best of all, the
game is accompanied by a comic from IDW, the official publisher of
comics for this franchise and they have definitely done the series
Unlike the previous game which was loosely based on
the films, this current game revolves around the original home planet of
the Transformers, Cybertron when the great war began. Here, a menacing battle between the
Decepticons and Autobots rages with the victor being awarded total domination
of Cybertron. Paying homage to the original cartoons, with some artistic
liberty taken from the movie, Transformers War for Cybertron is oozing with a variety of references
from this mythology as players transform into a variety of
vehicles and duke it out in this 3rd person action shooter.
The game begins with an impressive Transformer
inspired cinematic with our favourite Autobot, Optimus Prime
narrating the fall of Cybertron as the Autobot and Decepticons attempt
to get the upper hand over their opponents. Although certain elements from
the movie appear in the game, it's clearly based on the IDW comic series
which already lends more credibility to this production. Once the
cinematic is finished, the player is then thrown into the Transformer
menu system.

From here, gamers can choose campaign (solo or
co-op), XBox Live multiplayer, escalation (survive waves of enemies with
friends) and extras which displays bonus content that needs to be
unlocked. The main mode of play is campaign but the game does have some
great multiplayer options, whether it's traditional death match or
escalation which is similar to hoard like gears of war.
Before starting
the missions, players are given of choice of what Transformers they
can play and this of course depends on whether the mission will
require more air or land based requirements. The
campaign mode boasts 10 chapters of the war for Cybertron which is
divided into five chapters per faction. The first five levels allows the
player to control the Decepticons with the final five chapters beings
devoted to the Autobots. In order to appreciate the story, you really
should play the Decepticons first. Finally, before starting, you need to
choose which of the Transformers you wish to control and best of all,
the game allows you to play even the more popular ones such as Megatron
or Optimus.
Once in the game, the player is pretty much thrown in
the deep end as you need to help Megatron steal a deadly ancient power
source from Starscream. In terms of a tutorial, it's all text based via
the menus which is a bit of a shame as a more interactive tutorial would
have been better for newcomers.

Nonetheless, when you do start controlling the
transformers, it does feel like you are controlling these giant metallic
giants. The controls have been mapped well on the 360 controller with
the left analog stick used to navigate the environment, the right stick
to control the camera angle and more importantly, X to interact with the
environment. The shoulder buttons are used to fire your weapons or fly
and some of the other controls include transforming into a vehicle
(sound effects included), jumping and a limited melee attack.
Each of the chapters have a set number of objectives
and almost infinite number of enemies to defeat and thankfully there is
a compass to assist you in the right direction which includes a distance
meter. Combat plays a vital role in the game and the Transformers that
you control have access to a variety of weapons which are found
throughout Cybertron. From giant shotguns to sniper rifles, the weaponry
is quite diverse but the ammunition is quite limited. The grunt battles
do become a tad repetitive but when you do face the bosses, this is
where the excitement comes into play and it can be quite challenging at
times. Flying or driving your Transformers is handled well, although
sometimes the tight corridors of Cybertron make for some control
difficulties. Nothing is more fun than jumping up in the air and turning
into a tank or plane. It's these little things that made the game so
appealing to this long time Transformers fan... after so many
disappointing starts.

Auto save is used well and you regain health in a
variety of ways from regeneration to energon cubes for example. If you
do die, you automatically start from the last check point. The gaming
environment has been well designed and looks like Cybertron from the
comics and the brief glimpse you got from the last movie. The only issue
with the world that you play in, is that at times it looks a little busy
with all this advanced technology. This is only small gripe though. The
only other gripe with the gameplay is that this game does not offer the
world of third person shooters anything new in terms of content (apart
from being able to transform into a vehicle). However, the star of the game is
the homage it pays to the comic series and to the original cartoon
series which has been handled well, from the cinematics to the perfect
voice acting. Developers High Moon Studios deserve a medal, especially
for getting many of the actors from the cartoon series to voice the

offers different classes that include scientist, scout and my
favourite, the soldier that does borrow some aspects from COD. The
multiplayer side of the game works just as well as the single-player
and we experienced no lag or issues in challenging other players.
But what made the multiplayer for me was the ability to “transform”
which added some fun gameplay elements to the game from this popular
series. Team Deathmatch was a blast to play as Decepticons and Autobots
challenged each other in an all out brawl. Conquest is another great
multiplayer game as you attempt to hold off the enemy and is a little
reminiscent of Star Wars Battlefront.
The graphics mimic this universe well, especially the
detailed character designs which include all our favourite transformers
such as Jetfire, Soundwave and Optimus. The environments are quite
meticulous but some places seem a little flat and almost appear 2D. The
special effects are great as are the pre-rendered cutscenes which are
littered throughout the missions and also assist in moving the story
forward. The sound effects are perfect with that familiar transformation
sound and perfect yet sometimes clichéd voice acting. The Transformers
sound identical to their cartoon counterparts which provides some entertaining
fan service. Peter Cullen once again sounds perfect as Optimus! Lastly, the music music sets the scene
with the gameplay which is mainly
orchestral but there is some heavy rock as well.

It may
just be another third person shooter but for fans of the Transformers,
this is probably the best video game ever. The homage to the original
cartoon series and with the links to the IDW comic series, the
developers have successfully incorporated this mythology into their
game. When you control the Transformers, it actually feels like how they
may interact with the real-world, from the powerful guns that they carry
to the way they transform. Even though you'll knock off the single
player campaign quite quickly, the multiplayer aspect has enough grunt
to keep you playing. Definitely one for the fans! |