Transformers Fall of Cybertron

Transformers Fall of Cybertron is
the ultimate Transformers game. It plays extremely well, the graphics
are amazing, the story rocks, Peter Cullen voices Optimus Prime, Metroplex the largest Autobot ever is your sidekick and finally... you
can even play as Grimlock, the Dinobot! Yes my friends,
Transformers Fall of Cybertron has a lot going for it that is not only
oozing with Transformers lore but developers High Moon Studios should be
in charge of the next movie because of how good this game is. I kid you

The game itself is a direct sequel to High
Moon Studios previous game, Transformers: War for Cybertron which
has seen Cybertron turned into a wasteland thanks to the civil war
between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The war has also caused the
source of life to these transforming robots to be extremely scarce as
Optimus Prime (voiced by Peter Cullen) is leading the Autobots foray to
leave this planet in search of peace and more Energon. At its core,
Transformers Fall of Cybertron is a third person shooter which not only
allows players to transform into vehicles from cars to helicopters but
even robot dinosaurs. Each character also has a special ability like the
Jazz's grappling hook which becomes quite useful in the game.
The first chapter of the game has the
Autobots leaving their dying world of via the Ark, a huge spaceship. Unfortunately the Decepticons are hot on their trail which
causes this epic conflict in space. In the first chapter, you control
Bumblebee as he attempts to assist Optimus Prime in propelling the
invasion of the Decepticons. Without spoiling this brilliant Transformer
storyline, one of the Autobots sacrifices his life to save Optimus Prime
which then becomes the catalyst of the main storyline which commences 6
days early.

I love how High Moon Studios have created
this elaborate plot and by the final chapter of the game, chapter 13,
everything magically falls into place. The last campaign of the game can
be described as nothing more than epic which has you
swapping between Autobots and Decepticons before the climatic ending.
Like the previous game, players get to experience all facets of the
Transformers as they control a variety of Autobots and Decepticons. My
favourites were Optimus Prime, Starscream (flying around as a jet) and
the T-Rex Grimlock who although is slow packs a true walloping. Add in
Cliffjumper, Megatron and Starscream and these are just some of the
Transformers you control.
At times, Transformers Fall of Cybertron
reminds me of Gears of War due to the intensity of the battlefield and
the way how Optimus Prime walks while communicating... Marcus Fenix
anyone? He even has the ability to call in an airstrike, just like Fenix.
However the similarities end there as the cover system is quite limited
but thankfully your Transformers have a few tricks up their mechanical
sleeves. Even though you control more than one Transformer throughout
the entire campaign, the control system feels perfect from the get go.
Whether your firing your gun, transforming into a vehicle or jumping
from the air, it's quite a flawless gaming experience which is made even
better by your special abilities. As mentioned, each character gets a
special ability such as stealth (invisibility) or Jazz's grappling hook that
must be used in conjunction with your current chapter to succeed.
However fighting is the main crux of this game.

Fighting can be done through a variety of
ways that include melee attacks, transforming into your vehicle and
using your standard weapon or picking up one of the dozens of guns
littered through the gaming environment. To confuse the gamer, sometimes
the environments change (ala Dark City) as the world of Cybertron is a
living mechanical entity which makes for some trippy gaming. Fire fights
can be small skirmishes or all our wars which keeps you on your toes.
Ammunition, depending on your
difficulty level can become quite sparse in the game for weaponry but
when you transform into a vehicle, you do get added ammunition that can
sometimes save your life. If you do die, you generally respawn at the
last checkpoint. Weapons can even be upgraded and power-ups purchased
from kiosks littered through the world of Cybertron which definitely
enhance the overall gameplay such as better firepower or more health. I
also love how the weapons you find integrate into the body of your
Transformer. All in all, the single-player campaign is a truly thrilling
and fun experience that will be enjoyed by all Transformers fans and
even those who have limited knowledge about the franchise. It is a great

Once you have finished the campaign mode
which takes around 8 hours (depending on how many times you die), gamers
can take this title online. You can even create your own Transformers and there are a handful of character classes
to exploit. The only unfortunate aspect of multiplayer was co-op
campaign was removed from the game but even so, the main gameplay feels
more fleshed out and considerably better than the previous title.
Nonetheless, you will be entertained in the online game modes such as
Escalation which is like hoard and allows up to four players to take on
unending hoards of enemies. Other modes include more traditional outings
such as team deathmatch or capture the flag with lots of fun to be found
online. High Moon Studios have definitely improved the online
multiplayer mode.

One thing that I did like about this latest
Transformers game is that when the battles commence, it's quite easy to
see who the Autobots are and who the Decepticons are. This was one thing
that became a little messy in the previous but High Moon Studios have
rectified this. The star of the graphics however are the amazing Transformers
that are not only detailed but transform into a variety of cool sci-fi
looking vehicles. Background graphics are amazing, especially the scene
where Metroplex is stomping around Cybertron or the ever changing
environments of this dying planet. Textures are quite detailed,
cinematics merge with the gameplay (including some player interactivity) and the special effects of the
weaponry is nothing more than stunning. This game also has the most
realistic smoke effect that I've had the pleasure of seeing in any
Audio is equally impressive from the
majestic orchestral soundtrack to the perfect voice acting lead by Peter
Cullen as Optimus Prime and a swag of other actors such as Nolan North
(Cliffjumper) or Sam Riegel (Starscream) who really lend cred to their
Transformers. This is one game that makes great use of surround sound,
especially when the battles heat up or when you are listening to one of
Optimus Prime's majestic pet talks. Sound effects are great as well,
especially the familiar sound of Transformers transforming. With the
almost flawless gameplay, the good graphics and audio create this extremely
memorable gaming experience.

Final Level
Transformers Fall of Cybertron presents
gamers with one of the best single-player campaigns to date with more
Transformer lore and love than you can poke a stick at. It's a
carefully scripted campaign that even manages to pull at your
heartstrings as the world of Cybertron falls apart. More importantly,
the gameplay is virtually flawless on the XBox 360 that boasts a sturdy
control system and enough excitement to keep you glued to your TV for
around 8 hours. Even when you have finished the game, you might want to
play it again on a higher difficulty or jump straight into the online
mode for Escalation or the other competitive modes.
Welcome to the best Transformers game!