Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
The latest Ranibow Six title blasts its way
on the XBox 360 in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas that returns the
series to its original premise of a squad-based shooter with strong
gameplay, superb graphics and an engaging storyline that is sure to draw
you into the world of Tom Clancy. The title also adds a variety of new
gameplay elements and with the cordless XBox 360 controller, the
illusion of actually being in the game is as real as one player will

As with all good Tom Clancy's stories, the developers ensure that
beginning is like a Hollywood blockbuster movie that starts in Mexico
where your team is searching for a Mexican terrorist named Irene
Morales and after her failed capture in the town of San Joshua del
Mosquiera, Morales vows to unleash a terror upon the city of sin, Las
In its essence, Rainbow Six: Vegas is your
traditional squad based shooter that heavily relies on realism, tactics
and squad mechanics. However, this new incarnation changes the gameplay
of the title slightly by allowing players to recover their health by
taking cover which does make for more enjoyable gameplay. This ability
to take cover almost anywhere in the game, also allows for dynamic
gameplay and also allows the gamer to fire from this position plus
the option of performing a "blind shot" which is a quick lean out to
fire, although not as accurate as a timed cover shot.
In order to give your team orders, the A button on the controller allows
you to order specific actions or you can also use the D-Pad to scroll
through a list of commands in order to utilitise your team and ensure
victory against your enemies. Needless to say, this makes for some great
gameplay and UbiSoft have really upped the ante with the artificial
intelligence of both your team mates and enemies.

Graphically, Rainbow Six: Vegas is a visual
treat that looks amazing on the XBox 360 that uses high resolution
backgrounds and texture details on the characters, making this game one
of the best looking games on the console. With that said, the game uses
the Unreal 3 engine that also contains various special effects from
blast muzzle to realistic lighting.
As with the graphics, the musical score of Rainbow Six: Vegas uses a
brilliant dynamic score that changes depending on the action and pace of
the game that also has that Hollywood action movie sound. The sound
effects have all been professionally implement and sound amazing through
the right 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound system. The voice acting is
also top class and nothing sounds too forced or contrived. Great stuff!
In conclusion, Rainbow Six: Vegas is an extremely entertaining squad
based game on the XBox 360 that contains flawless gameplay, amazing
graphics and a great storyline that will have lovers of this genre
clamouring for more. It's the thinking man's first person shooter and
there is little to complain about this title! For those looking for
more, the title offers a great four-player co-op mode that is the
perfect "party" game for males with high testosterone and there are also
a plethora of XBox Live options for great online play. Highly
Recommended! |