Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction is
exactly what I wish a game based on the hit TV show 24 would be like.
The new style and direction of the Splinter Cell franchise may not
thrill all the fans out there, but it's a fact, that this was a much
needed bold fresh adrenaline jolt.

One could always in the
past choose to either be stealthy or get into a shoot out in the other
Splinter Cell titles. Though those other titles leaned towards the
absolute need for stealth. Where if spotted, the mission would fail,
resulting in replaying the mission. Splinter Cell Conviction's play
feels so much more accessible to all types of gamers now. For those that
are skilled, or get the thrill of taking out guards or getting past them
unseen, they can still go along that path, or the player can go in with
guns blazing, or a mix of both and still have success. And one heck of
great gaming experience to boot.
Splinter Cell Conviction picks up several years later after the events
in Splinter Cell Double Agent. If you have played it or just read our
reviews about that game you may recall the main character Sam Fisher was
under cover, and balancing some difficult and sometimes moral choices
during missions as a double agent. It was during that game that Sam
Fisher learned that his daughter had been killed by a drunk driver. Now
Sam finds out in this latest installment, that the death of his daughter
was no accident. Betrayed by his former employers, the agency known as
the Third now Sam is a rogue agent and things get more
complicated from there. Who can you trust when you can't trust anyone?
Now a new terrorist plot comes to light and with millions of lives at
stake, Sam Fisher brings his skills into play to stop the plot and
uncover the secrets of his own past and his daughter's death.
As I was saying earlier on, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction has a
bold new style to it. The visuals are very stylized, mixing some of the
game prompts as part of the games graphics and environments. Some times
the chapter or in game help prompts become part of the environment, like
the wall for instance. Some times a cut scene plays out during
interrogation player sequences, these play out on the wall like a
ghosted movie print and the style is very much like your taking part of
a movie or well produced TV show. This is all seamless, as it brings the
story and action together without any interruption. This style of story
telling really grabs the player and keeps them interested, immersing
them as they become an active part of the story that is playing out.
The core game play is handled really well with the control layouts and
actions that the player can perform, all happening very smoothly. A Mark
and Execute command really brings Sam Fisher's skills flawlessly in the
hands of the player. During the game, the player can earn Execute
Tokens. They are earned by performing a hand to hand take down of an

Using the controls, the
player can from cover, mark a couple of enemy...then use the execute
button. This brings Sam Fisher's gun play into action taking both
opponents down before they even know what hit them. When used, every
character that is in range and marked will be taken out. It is an
adrenalin rush to watch it take place too. Weapons firing is crisp
natural looking. If just aiming and firing depending on where an enemy
is hit, they may be harder to bring down. Hitting them a couple times in
the arm won't bring them down as fast as a head shot. There are of
course grenade types that can be used as well. Happily, they are very
well done also. When thrown they seem to have good in game physics and
explosions. Very pleasing indeed.
Stealth parts of the game are still here of course, if that's the route
a player wants to take. Using a silenced weapon to take out lights and
creating darkness can assist in stealth movement. Here too, is another
part of the game that some fans of the earlier games may not easily
accept. As usual when hidden in shadows the enemy cannot see the
character. This time around though rather than having to make use of any
night vision, the screen fades to a black and white kind of picture. So
if they shine a light at you, or you fire a weapon the enemy will see
you. Otherwise, your hidden away. Some have criticized this addition, I
welcome it. It's a new style of visualization that makes it fresh again
and not a regurgitation of game play where the story is the only
different thing to be found.

While making the game so
much more accessible to different types of gamers, it may seem like
Ubisoft has backed away from the stealth-action in the game series. I
feel after playing several levels in the two different styles, one with
more stealth than gun battle and stealth mixed....that it all depends
again on the player. How skilled is the player and what can they bring
to the game. Ubisoft has opened it up here and invites the Splinter Cell
fans to see just how skilled they are. Also new players are invited to
experience something bold and new for the Splinter Cell franchise, where
you do not always have to be silent to get through to your goals.
Another interesting tactical tool for the core gaming experience, is the
last known position effect. When the enemy have spotted you and you duck
and cover, a ghost image of your character appears on screen symbolizing
that this was the last place the enemy saw you and therefore they will
concentrate fire on that position. This gives the player the chance for
flanking maneuvers. Or if the enemy finds that the player character is
not there anymore they begin searching the area anew in order to
Graphically the game is a huge stride forward, maybe because of the
crisp looking environments, but there is just something about it. Tom
Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction is a huge step up in graphics from
past series titles.
Sound track and over all sound effects are dead bang on. From the music
score to the simple foot steps of some one walking through an area and
on to explosions and gun fire. All sound crisp and really sound great in
Dolby Digital.

There are co-op gaming
elements to be had in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction, either in
split screen local play or through Xbox LIVE. The Co-op game is called
Prologue and brings a kind of prequel campaign to the single player
missions, with new characters and settings. There are also three
difficulty settings, three sub game modes and four maps. The game is
actually fun in both single player and Co-op modes...imagine that.
Check out Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction for Xbox 360 or PC.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim
U.S Editor
Impulse Gamer |