here we are, another movie tie-in game, so is Thor any different?
The game starts out with Asgard being under attack, this causes Thor
to blindly attack those responsible and you must inevitably fight
enemies of various realms. The story for Thor is nothing
spectacular, which is disappointing because comic characters usually
offer a world that lends itself to rich story-telling, this feels
like it was thrown together quickly to see close release to the
movie, even an excellent story would do little to make players want
to continue playing.
The graphics of Thor appear outdated, everything just appears static
and there is no feeling that the world is one that is worth
investing any time into. The character models are ordinary, the
texturing is poor, this is disappointing especially considering the
small number of different enemies that appear in the game. This is
particularly evident when in Asgard, this should have been a
glorious looking area, but just seems lifeless and boring.

Game play is absolutely vital in a hack ‘n’ slash title, with a
small difference between a game having excellent controls and
average controls. Thor falls far short of even having average
controls. Thor moves around like a character from a game of ten
years ago, seemingly jerking around the screen. The jerky and
overly sensitive camera does nothing to remedy this either. The
combat controls are no better, they feel delayed and
non-responsive. There can also be a disconnect between swinging
Thor’s hammer and the enemy responding to being hit, there are times
when they do not respond at all to this.
The game includes some platforming sections; these are frankly the
most tedious aspect of the game, with it being really difficult to
judge when to jump when near an edge and things hitting you off
platform with virtually no warning. I found myself playing through
each platforming section multiple times and generally when I did
finally get through, it was generally down purely to luck.

There is a nice magic skill set, however this is poorly introduced
and explained, there is very little in the way of an introduction to
this system. Most of these spells are fairly useless anyway, and
the hammer is the most effective killing tool the vast majority of
the time.
The voice acting in Thor is obviously done by amateurs; there is no
emotion or intensity to any of the speech. This is the case even
when there is a lot happening and anyone, even Thor, would have some
intensity to his voice. The overall sound is also disappointing,
you would expect an epic soundtrack for a title like this, there is
nothing, and the sound effects are also very tame. You want speaker
breaking sound effects and expect an epic soundtrack but there is

There is not a whole lot of longevity in Thor, if you do manage to
play through this game once; chances are you will not want to
experience this again. Especially not on a higher difficulty,
leading to even more frustration and even more play throughs of the
insanely hard or confusing sections.
Overall, Thor feels like it is a rushed movie tie-in game with
seemingly little thought about the core mechanics of the game, it
feels too like there was little in the way of play testing prior to
release. To sum up, this game has poor graphics, bad gameplay,
average sounds and most likely will only see one play through, if
that. At the end of the day, the game feels exactly like what it is,
a rushed movie tie-in game.