Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Welcome back to The King of Iron First
Tournament (aka Tekken) and Namco Bandai have definitely hit
the ball out of the park with their latest instalment of this popular
fighting series that originated in 1994. Best of all, the gaming
mechanics of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 successfully combine
old school mechanics with 21st next-generation controls and graphics
which creates one of the best Tekken experiences in a considerable
amount of time.
game has also been released in Australia and New Zealand
as a standard release (just the game) plus a special Limited Edition
that includes an exclusive metal case, 4 DLC characters (Angel,
Kunimitsu, Michelle & Ogre( a bonus Snoop Dog Stage and more
importantly, a bonus 150 Swimsuit Bikini Bundle. The ANZ Limited Edition
is definitely for the fans! It's pretty darn cool!

At its
core, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a pure 3D fighter game which allows
gamers to play offline plus online (up to 4 players). If you played
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, then you'll love Tekken on the XBox
360 which share the same frantic and sometimes overcrowded gaming
environments. It’s like a fighter on Ritalin.
the previous Tekken games that forced some unnecessary gaming elements
into the game, this current game is all about fighting an it’s great
getting back to basics. But with "tag" in the name, this title is not
just about the one-on-one fights but rather, it features some intensive
team play thanks to the great tag mecahanics.

Whether you're playing locally or online with up to four players, Tekken
Tag Tournament 2 boasts some really fun tag battles, especially with the
inclusion of Pair Play. Pair Play allows up to 4 players to control a
character in what Namco Bandai dub as the ultimate team battle which
creates this almost WWF fighting experience. Interestingly enough, it
works well.
game also boasts over 50 playable characters plus a new mode called
Fight Lab which is like a story campaign mode where you play the suave
Combot. This mode does somewhat serve as a tutorial as you play through
the 5 missions which even allows you to customise Combot's appearance
and even his moves. For the uninitiated, Combot was introduced in Tekken
4, a robotic character who has the ability to learn different fighting
styles. It's these little references that may Tag 2 so much fun to play.

terms of game play, gamers can easily pick up this title and start
playing, however there is a hidden complexity to the game which includes
the various manoeuvres of each fighters and the refined tag team
mechanics. Needless to say, learning each of the fighters special moves
can be quite a daunting task, however as you progress, things soon start
falling into place. Of course, you will get your favourites and breaking
this addiction can sometimes be tricky. The practice mode is also
another spot for newcomers to learn the art of the King of Iron Fist
mentioned, players can still jump into the solo play via the Arcade
Mode, however where this current version of Tekken works is through its
2v2 tag play. As opposed to the solo play, tag play definitely changes
the gaming mechanics by including new combined manoeuvres with your
characters. As opposed to your standard attacks, you can combine
launchers, bounds and tags to produce some really cool manoeuvres. Or
you can push the tag button to get your partner to perform a devastating
dual combo attack. As with most fighting games, when your health reaches
zero, you lose the round but in tag, if one of your opponents is down,
you also lose the round. Sometimes tagging in a fighter with full health
can change the battle and makes a great tactic if you're on the rops.

Arcade Mode, you basically need to fight through a variety of fighters
until you get to the big bad boss at the end. If you manage to defeat
them, you are awarded to an impressive cinematic for the character you
have chosen to fight which links up to the overall Tekken story and
history of this franchise. The CGI cinematics look amazing.
is even a Ghost Battle Mode that allows players to fight an almost
"human-like" AI controlled character but when you take the game online,
things definitely take a different turn. Online play is equally as good
on XBox Live and thankfully all the fighters in the game are rather
balanced, even with their pros and cons, even if Nina Williams is up
against Ogre. Another bonus while playing Tekken online is that I did
not experience any lag whatsoever and there is even an option to find
matches based on connection or skill level. Add in friendly and ranked
matches and there's plenty for everyone.

is even a free service called World Tekken Federation which monitors all
your fighting which can be accessed on your PC or smartphone. It even
gives you some useful hints to your fighting style, especially if you
had a string of losses. Tekken also uses an in-game currency which you
receive from winning and even losing matches that can be used to
purchased new hairstyles, clothing and items.
Graphically, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a great looking game on the 360
with some stunning attention to detail. Not only do the characters move
with this real-world grace, the over the top physics used by the various
martial art styles looks like this amazing Hong Kong action movie that
you control. Texture details look decent as do the facial features but
star of the graphics are the environmental special effects. Depending on
the environment, the fighters clothes change in real-time such as water
and dirt effects. It just comes together perfectly with the gameplay.
Then you have the pumping soundtrack and unfortunately rather clichéd
voice acting but it's all part of the Tekken franchise.
Final Thoughts
conclusion, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a game that you'll come back to
time and time again due to the strong gaming mechanics and great
graphics. This 3D fighter with all its detail manages to keep the game
almost locked in at 60 frames per second which creates this true arcade
experience in the comfort of your own home. With gameplay to die for,
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a game that all fans of 3D fighters will
love. Check it out now!

MULTIPLAYER MATCH – challenge your friends in a 2-on-2 tag-team
battle, 1-on-1 or 1-on-2
PAIR PLAY – up to 4 players can each control a character in the
ultimate team battle
FIGHT LAB – all new mode to customize Combot’s appearance & for the
first time ever, his moves
LARGEST PLAYABLE ROSTER – more than 50 characters to choose from
NEW STAGES – fight in your favorite countries around the world
ENVIRONMENTAL FX – clothing condition alters in real-time with water
& dirt effects
NEW MOVES – each character expands their fight arsenal with
exclusive new Tag-Throws & Tag-Combos
ONLINE FEATURES – all-new features bring the community together like
never before
OFFLINE BATTLE MODES – re-live the classic arcade mode, train in a
first-class practice mode, customize your team/character appearance
& much more
