Developers Beenox are once again unleashed into the universe of
Spider-Man as they are joined by comic scribe Peter David to tell
another exciting tale of one of the worlds most endearing superhero
characters... Peter Parker (Aka Spider-Man). In this "sequel" to
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, time plays a key factor in the game
and your goal is simple, prevent a cataclysmic event that will lead
to the death of the Amazing Spider-Man which causes a ripple effect
that will create a dystopian future thanks to Walker Sloan (Val
Kilmer). In the game, Sloan intends to go back in time and change
the Daily Bugle into an evil corporation known as Alchemex which
will change history itself.

help the gamer prevent this heinous outcome, players get to control
both the Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara),
each with their pros and cons that does require a slight strategy
change when controlling them. The story itself is also set in
parallel time-lines where the action of the first Spider-Man may
effect the outcome for O'Hara as Spider-Man 2099.
Given that, the game opens up just how a Spider-Man game should
which is reminiscent of the movie as the credits interact with the
first opening sequence as the player controls Spider-Man which does
teach you the basics of the control system. It's actually kind of
cool, especially if you're a fan of Spider-Man!

Gameplay wise, Spider-Man: Edge of Time is a third person action
adventure and unlike the previous games, much of the game takes
place inside as opposed to the lush outdoor areas of the older games
in the series. This does limit the freedom of the player, especially
given the scope of what Spider-Man can do with his webs outdoor and
it creates a very claustrophobic experience which its developers
have tried to mimic with the story. You do get to use your other
powers and your webs but as a Spider-Man fan, I felt quite limited
with the choices that my character could do and this also effects
some of the boss battles. Nonetheless, it was interesting.
On the XBox 360, the controls work well with the controller and
everything feels well mapped without your fingers getting in the way
as you run, jump, spin webs and pummel your enemies. Combat however
is the key to the gameplay in the title and there is quite a bit
that Spider-Man can do and enemies are quite diverse with certain
villains taken directly from the comics itself. Depending on your
difficultly level, the AI can give you a challenge as use your webs
and super strength to take them down.

It should also be noted that both Spider-men are slightly different
and O’Hara has access to futuristic technology unlike Peter Parker.
If you do happen to die, save points are well placed and although
you can indirectly effect the future, I'm a little weary as to how
much this cause and effect was really used in the game. For the
purists like myself, there are some great bonuses to be found
throughout the game such as newspaper snippets of the changed
timeline to unlockable costumes (more fanboy service) and even
action figures to collect. It is a Spider-man and plays well but
there is a huge limitation of not being able to swing anywhere you
Graphically, Spider-Man: Edge of Time is a very dark looking time
due to its depressing dystopian future that has been changed by the
villain Sloan and the developers have successfully managed to pull
this off. The environments are well detailed and the character
animation is flawless. There's some really nice HD textures used for
the characters and all characters move with this human-like grace,
although Spider-Man feels more cat then spider.
The voice acting is perfect and Val Kilmer lends his voice well to
the villain in the game. The musical score suits the gameplay
perfectly, albeit quite forgettable and the sound effects add to the
overall gaming experience. Gameplay is good and the graphics and
audio compliment this.

Final Level?
In Spider-Man: Edge of Time, I feel like a clipped bird, just
wanting to fly a little further and you do get the feeling that you
are stuck in a huge cage which is more maze like. The gameplay is
sturdy but I yearned for that open world experience of the previous
Spidey games which did not limit where I could go or explore.
The combat was refreshingly entertaining but given the limitations
of the gaming environment, this was slightly effected but if you
want a challenge, this is the game to get. Given that Batman Arkham
City was just released, I was really hoping that Spider-Man: Edge of
Time would be the answer to those who wanted something different to
the Dark Knight but unfortunately Beenox went a step back by
limiting our freedom. Even so, it's a game for fans!