Special Forces: Team X is developed by Zombie Studios and is an
online third person shooter that is multiplayer only which also has
some very cool stylised cell-shaded graphics. It's also quite bloody
as well! However where the title does come into its own is the
ability to create over 100 multiplayer map combinations with just 9
unique maps with some decent customisation options for your
characters as well. Interestingly enough, Special Forces Team X has
no story, it's just team A versus team B. Some story would have been

terms of gameplay options, it features modes like Team Death Match,
Hot Zone, Capture the Flag and Control Point with objectives to
complete or just kill kill kill. Gameplay is quite similar to Gears
of War with its cover system and shooting mechanics. Unfortunately
the gameplay of Special Forces Team X seems very buggy at times and
unfortunately frustrating when it comes to online play.
appears that the formula to re-spawn players is random which means
you can re-spawn in some of the most inappropriate places. Another
downside to the game is the amount of players in the game and on
more than one occasion, I had to wait for some opponents to join
which is a shame. For me, it feels like Special Forces Team X is a
BETA as there was clipping issues and some camera issues.
Really strange.

However some things are interesting such as the random map generator
which puts the players in new and unfamiliar locations. Creating
strategies is almost impossible as you don't know where you'll be
placed. This does help against camping but the re-spawn factor
interferes. The game does contain a levelling system which allows
you to customise your characters and weapons. This is done by
collecting experience in the game. All in all, Special Forces Team
X, although quite affordably priced is just too much of a mixed bag
to be great.

Graphically, Special Forces Team X is a funky looking game with its
cell-shaded type effects and over the top violence during the
battles. With that said, Special Forces Team X is quite a violent
looking game. Unfortunately the backgrounds are a little bland as
are the smoke effects. The audio department works okay but at the
end of the day, Special Forces Team X feels like a budget game gone
bad. Maybe some more testing would have created a more playable