Sniper: Ghost Warrior
City Interactive's
Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a budget title looking to cash in on the
lucrative first person shooter genre by offering the, at times, cash
strapped gamer a cheaper way to get their fix of headshots and
explosions. That would be all fine and dandy if, in Ghost Warriors case,
budget didn't mean bad.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior you take on the role of an elite sniper who is
sent deep behind enemy lines to remove an oppressive dictator from the
head of a small island nation. It's the typical America saves the day
from evil despot storyline you've played over and over again. While the
story is simple enough the game doesn't even stay true to itself. It's
called Sniper: Ghost Warrior so you think you'll be sitting far away
taking pot-shots the whole game but you'd be wrong. A large part of the
game reverts back to your typical run and gun first person shooter
firefights you are accustomed to. In fact many of the levels see you
playing as a member of an assault team and not as a sniper at all. It's
like the team didn't have faith in their sniping moments they felt it
necessary to throw in some standard genre play as well. What really
compounds the annoyance is the team shows you what could have been in
the first level where you are paired with a spotter. Unfortunately he
doesn’t last long and instead you are often tasked with eradicating
island strongpoints all by your lonesome with just a sniper rifle, nice.

admit that it was nice to see certain parts of a several stage mission
from the eyes of the various teams involved, but I played this game
wanting and expecting a cool sniper experience and it just wasn’t there
the whole way through.
Sniper: Ghost Warriors frustrates gamers in a number of ways. By delving
into standard FPS gameplay there were things you began to expect, like
the ability to use emplaced weapons, which just weren’t there. There
were also things, which are now taken for granted in games, like not
having to jump over the tiniest door frame that Sniper chose not to
implement. It also seemed odd that a game about covert sniper operations
didn't have a cover system. It just made sense to have it as it'd make
concealing yourself a lot easier.
Graphically the game is disappointing. It’s just a really bland, generic
look that does nothing to make Sniper stand out from the crowd. Also you
spend a lot of your time crouched amongst the foliage and there's a real
lack of detail given to the design. Everything is pixilated, while the
leaves often block your vision when you’re trying to take cover making
the games stealth component a mute point. Meanwhile your sniper seems
to be like a ghost as he runs over and through the plants without
disturbing them one iota and, occasionally, he has the ability to shove
his gun through a rock. There are a lot of little problems like this
that really add up. The games auto save feature also causes the game to
have some pretty big framerate issues. The saves are regular, which is
good, but they cripple the game when they occur meaning it’s best if you
stand around while they happen. Soldier animations can be comical as
they constantly get stuck running into rocks or shooting at the ground,
yet that last point can still, for some reason, result in you being
Gameplay is okay but it’s made difficult by an AI that swings
drastically between levels of difficulty. At times you can breeze
through a camp in the shadows with ease, even when it looks like you
should have been seen about 10 times and then other times soldiers will
come out of nowhere and shoot up the bush you were hiding in. It’s
immensely frustrating when all of a sudden you’ll start to be shot from
nowhere. Given the issues with AI it hurts that the game will,
occasionally, block your path. I tried to sneak past a village with
several guards by going the long way around. It required a brief walk
through some shallow water where there were some low rocks. I could see
the path to the next village just over the rocks and as I got excited by
my ability to sneak past the guards I found I couldn’t step up onto the
rocks and to the path. The game was blocking me like it does so many
times when you actually try to use strategy in Sniper: Ghost Warrior and
act like a ghost by sneaking through a section.

Unlike most games Sniper also does one thing a little bit too well, its
bad guys are ridiculously good shots. These guys pull shots out of their
ass and through choices in lighting and costume design trying to see the
cheeky badgers verges on impossible at times. In a game where you are
meant to be an elite sniper the enemy, quite often, is able to get the
drop on you because you just can’t see them. You end up shooting at
random trees and other inanimate objects because they look the same as
the enemies from a far. One thing that was really frustrating was the
fact that you had to hold a pistol as one of your weapons. You could
not, for instance, wield your rifle and a sub machine gun. Now I can
understand why that may be the case for the sniping levels but seeing as
they decided to implement standard FPS assault levels I wanted the
ability to wield two high-powered weapons and I couldn’t.
game features your fairly standard multiplayer modes like Deathmatch
with six maps but the multiplayer, in terms of design, suffers from the
same problems as the singleplayer. As a sniper you want to find that
nice high up spot that gives you a good view of the surrounding area so
you can pick your spot but in the entire game these areas are few and
far between. Plus giving everyone a sniper rifle makes for some very
cautious gamers.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior suffers from far too many little bugs and
annoyances to make it a recommendable game. Sure it’s playable, long and
the little random cutscenes when you snipe someone in the head are cool
and probably the game’s best part but there are just so many better
games out there and if you are desperate for a sniping fix you’re better
off with the levels in COD4 and Modern Warfare 2. They are far more
enjoyable and relatively frustration free. |