Rocksmith Bass DLC

Purchase download to the core game that was
sent over by Ubisoft. Bass support is here for Rocksmith, so when our
Australian readers have a chance to get the game when it releases to our
Impulse Gamer Australian Brothers and Sisters of gaming, they will be
able to get hold of the DLC instead of waiting so long like the rest of
us. Better yet, some of the play bugs will be worked out by the time you
get your hands on it.

Bass arrangements are now part of all the Rocksmith Tracks, so if you
get your hands on the DLC and you want to try your hand at the Bass
lines. Get ready to rock. Much like the original core game, this will
assist new comers and even assist experienced Bass players improve their
skills. Learning new songs and styles has never been so much fun. Better
yet, the game tracks progression for both Guitar and Bass Separately.
Now do not get me wrong here, just as I stated in my Rocksmith review,
the game can’t teach you cold out right how to play. As a learning tool
it is incredible and is a massive step forward. It melds gaming into a
learning tool. To really learn, you have to be dedicated though. I am
still a beginner by ever sense of the word. With Rocksmith though it has
made learning techniques and notes fun and when I start hitting notes
and it actually sounds like the song, even better, it motivates me to
want to learn more.
Now this review is based on the Bass DLC support. Let’s jump right in.
At the time of this writing it is unknown if the issue with Bass support
has been smoothed over yet. Here was the issue along with the fix that
we found worked. After the Bass install and you click on Bass and then
event…no songs would come up. To the point, Sorry folks we found we had
to start out as amateurs again and delete our saved games. No problem.
We have come along in playing enough that getting back up in our
rankings is a lot faster this time around. So no big there. The next
thing was a couple of people pointed out about load times; I feel the
lode times are not bad at all for this game. So I think that one like
many things comes down to personal opinion.

Now the original game came also with a bundle including an Epiphone Les
Paul guitar, this time around the Bass support is only the Bass support.
No bundles with a Bass. Now what we found really cool was at least some
foresight on Ubisoft’s part…not everyone will have a Bass guitar. If you
have a Bass guitar you are all set. If you only have an electric guitar
the game has an emulator mode where an electric guitar is used and only
four of the strings are used. Gamers that want to be prolific will be
happy to know that the game also tracks both Bass and Guitar progression
separately. Better yet, electric guitar or Bass, you do not really need
to go out and grab up an ultra-expensive guitar or bass. Check out sites
like and even for our Australian readers My
You can pick up a guitar or Bass for not much more than you pay for mid
to high end game controllers.
As with the core game, Bass support has an adaptive difficulty system.
So as you are getting more and more notes the game will throw a bit more
at you, and even back off when it can tell your stumbling. From single
notes to complex chord progressions there is something here for every
level of player. So beginners learn more and veterans have the blast of
learning new songs and perfecting technique and playing with a
smorgasbord of pedals and effects that you would normally have to spend
huge amounts of cash for. Rocksmith emulates it all for you in the game.
What’s cool? You do get better.
With the Bass DLC there are new things added to the game, including the
original songs that came with the core game, and any downloaded DLC
songs. New Bass arrangements have been added to all the songs, new
training techniques and Bass games.
With the new Bass DLC it adds even more depth to the game in regards to
multiplayer. Now a guitar player and Bass player can play at the same
time for some fun Jam sessions. We fill a solid fun game has now made
the circle complete and the rock gods do smile down upon us all.
Now more than ever Rocksmith is the game to own when it comes to
learning about guitar or Bass and having a blast doing it. We say good
on you Ubisoft. Now let’s see what the future holds for Song DLC for
this multi layered game. Rocksmith. Watch for our round up of the song
DLC and in that same article we make some Rocksmith playing suggestions
that will give beginners a leg up on rocking out in this game.
Just to remind our Australian readers again, time is almost up to enter
the cool contest that lets you win a copy of the game and an AXL
Badwater guitar. You know that saying you can’t win unless you enter.
Instead of keeping that fantasy of rocking out even in a small way to
only poking at colored buttons on a toy guitar, Ubisoft stepped up and
got innovative. Giving us the chance to practice, and learn on a real
guitar and now Bass.
Have fun, play games and Rock On.
Edwin Millheim