Red Faction:
Guerrilla is the third in the Red Faction series which began back in
2001 and was famous for its “GeoMod” technology which granted the
player nearly limitless terrain destruction capabilities with
explosive weapons. Especially in 2001 this was quite impressive but
to survive in 2009 the series is going to need more than that
gimmick. Fortunately it borrows some good elements from other
games, gives them its own spin and it all combines into a pretty fun

This game is one of
those free-form slash adventure slash sandbox style games. It’s a
style that I could go on to say can be upgraded from “GTA Clone” to
“genre” in its own right by now. Anyway, if you imagine GTA 3 or 4,
but instead of a city imagine a mining colony and instead blocks of
pavement and bitumen you imagine miles of Mars’ red soil, then you
have a pretty good idea of how the game plays. Overall it is
definitely a fun game, but compared the king and original game – GTA
– it’s lacking polish.
You play Alec Mason:
a new immigrant to Mars who joins up with his brother to earn some
honest mining bucks. Within a few short moments your brother is
killed for his involvement in the Red Faction terrorist organisation
and before you know it you’ve got a reason to blow things up in the
name of terrorism justice, and the Red Faction trusts you
implicitly, naturally. With the pesky storyline out of the way all
that remains is for you to steal futuristic mining trucks and
buggies and the like and blow things up.

Although you
essentially have complete freedom you are, of course, directed by a
good variety of missions. Most of them do revolve around blowing
things up – that’s where the games strongest mechanic lies – but
there is a bunch of different things to do such as freeing and
escorting hostages, building destruction, defense missions, parcel
interception, etc.
Each area of Mars is
controlled by the evil EDF military dictatorship (easily
side-stepping the touchy issue of being a terrorist bomber by making
the opponent unambiguously naughty) and you can pick from any of the
side missions scattered around the map to reduce their control on
the area. You can literally just drive around and blow up targets
of opportunity but you get a lot of bonus control points for picking
targets that are marked as priority targets and for successfully
completing the side missions. Alongside the “control” rating is a
“morale” meter which is a gameplay mechanic that punishes you for
being too reckless, and rewards you for putting the stick to the bad
guys. Essentially when you complete missions, or destroy certain
objects (like propaganda billboards) the area’s “morale” metre will
increase. With higher morale there is a chance that nearby miners
(essentially innocent civilians) will join you when they see you in
a gun fight with the EDF. Conversely you lose moral for dying or
killing the miners. It’s a good mechanic because it grants a decent
perk, without punishing you too severely for dying or going crazy –
as you are want to do. Once you have reduced the area’s control to
zero and completed all the main story-line missions you unlock the
next zone.

Now Red Faction does
several things well, and a few things excellently. It also has a
fair share of things it does fairly poorly. The world itself is a
fairly sparsely populated Mars. There are no real side-streets or
alleys for you to take. It’s largely open roads with a few trucks
on them. You can have a bit of fun jumping red rocks and the like,
but it’s not an interesting environment. There is a pretty tight
limitation on the number of vehicles you can control – how many
different versions of “futuristic mining vehicle” can YOU think of?
Lastly, the storyline is passable but lacks any characterisation to
draw you in and care about the people you talk or interact with (or
even with the main character.)
Having said that the
one element I’ve been saving until last to talk about is the
destruction physics in this game. They are truly spectacular and
every element of the game is geared towards realising that.
Although it is unlike the original Red Faction in that you can’t
damage the terrain, what you can do to the vehicles and buildings is
nearly limitless – and most importantly very believable. You always
have a trusty sledgehammer that allows you smash things like you are
the incredible hulk and the first time you use it on a simple
concrete wall to bash a way through you’ll be impressed with their
crumbling and destruction physics. As you bash out the load bearing
walls of a building and watch parts of it realistically collapse you
should be suitably awed. When the rest of the building, made
unstable from your reckless and wanton destruction, shudders then
tumbles down on your head bit-by-bit, you’ll be chortling with
glee. Never before has the childhood joy of destroying perfectly
good things been so accurately realised. It leads to some fun
moments too – like the time I parked a car with a turret next to a
tower. I used the turret to shoot up some explosives next to the
base of the tower taking out a good chuck. After a few seconds I
saw the tower start to topple – directly at me. Fearing the physics
were too good to allow me to survive parked in a car directly in its
path I climbed out and tried to make a run for it. I didn’t make
it, but I did laugh at length.

Linked with the
destruction mechanics is the salvage mechanic. Essentially salvage
is the currency on Mars, and as you destroy structures and vehicles
a few extra shiny pieces will spew out and you can collect them.
Once you have enough you can head back to your safehouse where you
can upgrade and buy new weapons. There’s a decent selection too
including a few different takes on the “explosive” variety which is
handy considering the amount of exploding you need to do. Also the
combat is decent, similar to what I’m sure you’d expect in this
style of game. You can take some cover on flat walls or vehicles
and fire around them. You can shoot, snipe, run down, and blow up
people in many different ways.... but honestly, it’s a shooter on a
console, so how good can it get?
Red Faction:
Guerrilla might be missing the polish of GTA IV, but it gets the
core elements right and its stand out feature does an excellent
job of making it stand out. The storyline is passable, but might
not be the driving factor that keeps bringing you back. The sheer
amount of joyful destruction you can cause – either through
carefully placed charges or through a wild frenzy of RPGs – will
take some time to become boring. There’s certainly enough here to
make Red Faction: Guerrilla a fun enough game, if not a
game-breaking one and it’d go damn close to being worth a purchase