RSV2 is a fine
addition to the original and to the Rainbow Six franchise
The game is intense
with enemies that seem to pop out at the most inopportune ti6mes,
like when you coming up a flight of stairs and all of a sudden they
come around the corner. Talk about saying it and then doing it. (OH
CRAP!) The game has a few more bells and whistles that are fun and
worth taking a look at from some character customizations, new
levels and equipment, and some slight modifications to the
interface. The in game interface is especially cool and looked lame
to me at first but boy it made giving certain commands a breeze.

Right out of the
gate the game was able to tell I played the first Rainbow Six Vegas
and awarded me experience points and some unlocked toys I could use
to customize my character. (More on customizations later) The
ability to earn experience points towards new weapons and tactical
clothing in single player mode or in Terrorist Hunt is just out and
out stupendous. Earning points and ranks for your character in the
game is a nice touch and gives a little incentive to do as well as
you can.
Going through the first several levels I had the feeling that the
game was more like an add-on, just with a full games price tag.
While some of the areas may be familiar from the first one (Vegas 2
duh) there is enough difference and a slightly different approach to
the story ark to make it just fresh enough to make it feel new and
shiny. While the first Rainbow Six Vegas seemed a bit more intense
when it came to the action, there are times where the moments are
tenser I would say. Especially, when you’re watching the negotiator
talk to the tangos and some one on your own squad gets trigger
happy, and things get out of hand really fast. Won’t ruin it too
much for you, but it is rather interesting.
Let’s talk about the tangos in this one. While there are three
different difficulty settings, even the casual setting this time
around seems to offer just a bit more of a challenge this time
around, which is actually a good thing. After all who wants to
breeze on through a game without the least bit of a challenge?
Advancing along through the single campaign players will find that
the enemy AI seems much more aggressive that the first games
enemies. They are darn well intent on taking you and your team out,
if that means running and gunning right at you, then that’s what
they do. Depending on how close you are to them when they pop from
around a corner, this causes some out right nail bighting close
quarters battles.
On the flip side of the enemy AI is your squads AI. It may just be
me, but they seem far worse than the first games. They get the job
done, they just do it in a really stupid way, granted each member of
the team has to maintain good muzzle control of a weapon, but to
have someone walk in front of your full auto-fire and they happen to
be your squad mate…I am sorry but that is just plain stupid and no
matter how hectic it can get in a battle trained pros just would not
do that. Worse they tend to tail you far too closely, so close that
if you need to make a short retreat to evade incoming fire, your
path is blocked and you just end up eating a lot of hot lead. Firing
around corners without taking aim is back, and a rather odd mix,
spraying and praying is one thing and you are lucky if a round or
two hits even a un intentional enemy target. While the enemy on the
other had seems to have some rather uncanny luck when it comes to
their blind firing. Go figure, either way I have always liked this
interesting option in a shooter game and for the most part it does
not disappoint here.

The voice command
options just did not impress me, nor work for me. But using the Xbox
360 headset you are supposed to be able to voice command the team.
Using the voice commands the manual suggests yielded mixed results
and frustration so I just went back to using the buttons only. If
they can get that smoothed out that would be a fun geek fest option.
Moving on from the AI and mixed results of the voice commands of the
game, one of the much appreciated things that has been added is a
sprint option. This comes in handy when getting the heck out of the
way from incoming fire or a tossed grenade.
The tactical interface is another well thought out bit. This in game
interface sits at the lower left of the HUD and gives fast control
over the squad mates. At the bottom part of the Tactical Interface
is the team state, this display shows the teams current actions, be
it tossing a grenade or assaulting or what not. The Tactical
Interface also shows the number of grenades and types your team
members have left. Now that is very helpful and appreciated.
This area also shows the rules of engagement you have currently
ordered the team to follow.

Then above that are
icons showing orders are available to give to the squad mates, this
all depends on the environment and what actions are taken place. The
ROE (Rules Of Engagement) have their own sets of actions that the
team takes depending on what orders are given. For instance if the
ROE is assault the choices for say opening a door range from open
and clear, breach and clear or open and frag. Using the directional
pad makes these commands fast and simple. If the current ROE is
infiltration and the team is stacked up at a door, then the command
options are different.
They are open and clear, open flash and clear, and also open, smoke
and clear. Using the A, B, X and Y buttons also give different
player interface options. Y is for switching weapons or checking the
weapon inventory, X is for reloading and weapons options menu,
including putting on sound suppressors. The B button is for using
items and tossing grenades. , and A is for interacting with items,
such as opening doors.
Take a look through the manual instructions that come with the game,
there is enough there to fill you in on all the button interfaces if
you’re new, and just enough that if you have played the first
rainbow Six Vegas, you will be at home and pick up the newer
interfaces in a snap.
Customizing you’re character, I am a sucker for stuff like that, and
only if it is well done. With Rainbow Six Vegas 2, you get to
customize a lot with the character, including playing as a female or
male which is a darn good move. I know a couple of female real life
soldiers and police officers that like when females are represented
in these games.

Of course the multi
player aspects are back again, and even with a strong single player
game, I do not think it would be very complete without the multi
player. There are the same kinds of multi player gaming that you
find in most shooter games, but then again the multiplayer is only
as good as the fellow players you play with or against, regardless
of how many cool multiplayer options there are. So, sorry folks I
really won’t be going that much into the multiplayer aspects other
than to say there are quick match options, custom matches, a
matchmaking system and then creating a match where you are the host
and control several different aspects of the match.
The game maps are vast and give a lot of tactical advantages and
disadvantageous, with plenty of cover in some areas and open areas
that you would have to sprint across to get to cover. That my
friends are what spoke grenades are for, concealment and advance to
The original Rainbow Six Vegas was and is one of the true gems of
the gaming world, Rainbow Six Vegas Two does an excellent job at
following up on the original and offers another classic for the
franchise. So whether you feel it’s too much like the first one or
that it may feel like a high priced add on, there is no denying
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is the shooter to get your hands on.
Have fun, play
games. Edwin Millheim