Nyko 360 Game Face
So ok, if your like me a true Impulse
Gamer, then your always changing the look of either your desk top back
ground wallpaper or various other things related to maybe your PSP or
your Xbox 360. For those who don’t know about it Nyko actually has a
pretty cool cost effective solution for changing the look of your Xbox
360 face plate.

Gaming is often a very personal thing so why not show your love for your
favorite past time? The 360 Game Face kit comes with everything you
need. Paper templates, A clear front plate and a base plate, and of
course the Design software for Windows or Mac so you can get to
designing you own master piece. The idea is simple and easy to use; the
paper templates are the exact shape of the face plate and are precut
with all the plug in slots. You just have to punch those out, once you
make your design and print it out, the paper template fits between the
clear face plate and back plate. This in turn snaps onto the front of
your Xbox 360.
The software design kit is a simple affair with no extra bells or
whistles, but it is what it is and does what it is intended to do, which
is image placement on the template only. Adding things like text, one
would need to create these in another program like paint shop pro or
photo shop and then open the image using the design software and place
it appropriately.
Punch out the pre-printed, or your custom designed template. Align the
paper template to the inside of the clear front plate and hold in place
using the nubs on the top and bottom of the unit. Align the front plate
with the silver base plate. Make sure all of the nubs are lined up and
snap together. Remove any existing faceplate on the Xbox 360. Attach the
assembled GameFace 360 to the Xbox 360 as usual.

Make sure you are careful in removing your Xbox 360 face plate. Remove
the Game Face 360 from the Xbox 360 by using standard faceplate removal
techniques. Separate the front plate and base plate by carefully
applying pressure on the lips of the snap points on either side of the
face plate while pushing the base plate on the opposite side. Remove the
template, and replace with a new template as instructed previously. Once
it’s said and done you got yourself one customized looking Xbox 360. the
only thing I would like to see is a paper from Nyko that offers the same
print brightness of some photo paper.
Let your fingers do the typing and get your browser on over to http://www.nyko.com/
to check it out. Go see the offerings from Nyko, and see our other
reviews on Nyko products here at Impulse Gamer!
Bottom line, Nyko's GameFace 360 is a well made product. It’s a smart
purchase for any gamer that wants to show their own individual ness. The
kit comes with six pre designed face plate templates, 15 blank ones, and
the snap together clear face plate and of course the software to create
your own designs.
Have fun, play games. Edwin Millheim
Sit back relax, let's play Shael Millheim |