MX vs ATV Untamed
Rainbow Studio's latest off-road epic
screeches its way on the XBox 360 that combines a variety of off-road
vehicles such as dirt bikes and ATV's (all terrain vehicles) in
some of the most entertaining racing to have graced the high end
consoles in a long time. Sure the PlayStation 3 has had MotorStorm but
the XBox 360 has been missing the extreme sports racing genre and
Rainbow Studios are hoping that this current hybrid incarnation of their
series will fill the gap.

In its essence, MX vs ATV Untamed is your
classic off-road arcade racing game that is extremely over the top and
quite enjoyable as the dirt flies from your vehicles as you attempt to
race at ridiculously high speeds, all trying to maintain control and
hopefully win the race. A nifty little feature of the title is that
while you wait for the game to load, the player has the option of racing
around a stadium in order to perform a variety of stunts and when its
loaded, the player is then ready to challenge the main gameplay of the
title, the X-Cross tournament.
The X-Cross tournament is basically your traditional racing aspect of
the title where the player must complete a variety of races in order to
"unlock" new tracks and vehicles. The title also offers a variety of
other options with some great online options such as "Graffiti" where
you must get the highest score on each ramp via one of the tricks
available in the game. Tony Hawk anyone?

The control system of MX vs ATV Untamed is
perfect on the XBox 360 controller which will take most gamers only a
few minutes to figure out. Best of all, each vehicle, whether a dirt
bike or ATV, all handles differently with both controls and in-game
With that said, fans of rumble will be pleased to know that the game
supports this much missed feature on the PlayStation 3.
Graphically, MX vs ATV Untamed is mixed bag on the XBox 360 with some
levels looking a little bland in certain places. The vehicles are quite
detailed and the attention to detail on the small things such as the
tire marks on the dirt is quite impressive. Match that with a truly
wonderful modern soundtrack featuring a variety of bands plus
exaggerated vehicle sounds and you have everything you would expect to
hear at a Crusty Demons exhibition.

In conclusion, although MX vs ATV Untamed
doesn't offer the racing genre anything new, however this classic
off-road racing
gameplay has been sorely missed and the 21st century graphics, kickass
soundtrack and sound effects is enough to easily push this game over the
finish line with a rather decent victory. One for the extreme sports
speed freaks! |