Blare the trumpets and get ready for the next installment in the
most immersive, story intense game series of all. Mass Effect 3 is
here and it is good. We check out Mass Effect 3 for the Xbox 360
with Kinect abilities, freaking awesome. This adventure takes place
following the events in the DLC for Mass Effect 2, the expansion
called Arrival. Once again we are with the hero of the stories
Commander Shepard.

Gamers who played Mass Effect 2 and still have that information on
their drives have the option of importing them into Mass Effect 3,
though this is not something that is a must. New players coming into
the world of Mass Effect 3 will find a spectacular robust gaming
experience that brings it all together in one spectacular gaming
storm. The full experience that is Mass Effect, everything that was
leading up to this point is designed so masterfully into Mass Effect
3, that new players coming into it just on this game alone will find
a full rewarding game experience. Also gamers that have been with
the game since the first Mass Effect will be pleased to find the
experience and storyline executed in such a way as to not be
redundant in anyway, even if you know some of the mythos. What is
truly awesome is that the game story line changes and can be
different for a new player as opposed to the longtime fan who has
saved a character from the last game.
For those that do not know much about the world of Mass Effect,
sometime in the 21st century, humans find a network of cosmic relays
that can enable huge distance space travel. Humanity finds the
cosmos is full of other life forms and space traveling races. At the
center of this there lay a controlling body, housed at the Citadel,
the very intergalactic capital of all the space travelling races.
Once it had been inhabited by the Protheans, they had vanished
50,000 years ago. The Prothean species left behind warnings of a
powerful race known as The Reapers that destroyed them. The writings
and warnings all pointed out that The Reapers would once again

In 2183 Commander Shepard Captain of the Alliance Warship the
Normandy, managed to destroy the vanguard of the Reaper invasion in
a brutal battle for the Citadel. The victory was just a won battle
not the actual war. There was still a vast Armada of The Reapers,
waiting in the deepest parts of outer space, standing by to launch
the full out attack. Some two years after, on what should have been
a routine mission, Shepard was mortally wounded.
A pro-human terrorist organization known as Cerberus, recovered and
then resurrected Shepard. Cerberus recognized the grave threat that
the Reapers posed on humanity. Enlisting Shepard’s help, along with
a diverse crew of soldiers, scientists and outlaws, the Normandy set
forth into what was a suicide mission, far beyond the Omega 4 relay.
Once again to confront the Reapers, leading to what surmounts to a
delaying action against the Reaper forces, now the much bigger war
is coming to the very doorstep of humanity. It’s a cosmic shattering
aggressive force, which will consume the Milky Way Galaxy. Welcome
to Mass Effect 3!

Story and characters interactions have a rather diverse branching
style. There are multiple outcomes depending on your characters
choices. This makes replay-ability on the high end of the gaming
pool for this one. Now interaction with characters and NPC’s during
the game may not be something you have to worry about depending on
your style of play.
At the beginning of the game you can make a choice to play the game
geared more towards action, this way all the interactions play as
cut scenes only, leaving you to handle all the intense action. You
may be a role player and decide to emphasize Role Playing ala the
traditional Mass Effect experience. You get to do more character
customizing and also choose dialogue responses during the cut
scenes. Or if you want to play through more for the story, you can
have the ability to customize the character, experience, and control
the interactive story without worrying about the combat at all.
Truly the designers came at this game from several angles and
listened to a lot of the gamer feedback from past games.

With the coming of such a huge invasion Shepard’s adventures this
time around start out on Earth, but soon finds us galaxy hopping
again, leading into various adventures, situations and fire fights
(well fire fights depending on how you chose to play.) Locations
visited are exotic and from a sci fi sense believable that the
overall looks of the locations match the imagination of what a place
must be like, we also visit the Citadel once again with its varied
races wandering the halls and lounges. Mass Effect fans will be
seeing some of the familiar races during this latest adventure.
Asari, Drell, Elcor, Hanar, Keepers, Salarian, Turian, Volus are
some of the Citadel races that are seen. Not all are interacted
with, but as the player wanders around the station they can pick up
on side conversations if they stop to listen. These side
conversations make the world seem that much more alive and
Furthermore as we had been pointing out earlier about starting in
the game and the player’s choice to play a certain way; be it action
or otherwise, depending on how you choose to play at the start
players may then be taken to an appearance menu where they can
adjust Shepard’s features and then also choose the character class.
Long time and even new Paper and Pen role players will know that
different classes have different perks and abilities and can make
the gaming experience a lot more customized to your style of play.
Depending on the forthcoming challenges, the character class choice
can also make the game that much more interesting because of the way
the character class is able to handle a situation in different ways
from one another.

Here are the basic run downs of what each class has going for it.
Soldier class is as one would expect geared towards combat mainly.
With weapons training and special ammo use including grenades, they
are war machines. Add in special hardware that connects to their
ocular synaptic and that’s how they can do a focus aim to deadly
effect against an enemy. Their special abilities include being able
to accelerate their reflexes and use of special ammo such as
incendiary rounds and disruptor ammo just to name a few.
Infiltrator is a tech and combat specialist combined with a special
ability to cloak themselves from visual technology. They can carry a
wide mix of weapons and are a deadly at any range, though they excel
with the sniper rifle.

Adept are biotic specialists. Using the power of their minds with
devastating telekinetic attacks, they can throw objects and enemies
and setup traps all with their minds.
Engineer is the tech specialist. They are the best class for
disabling the defenses of an enemy or destroying them. The Engineer
can create combat drones that can do harassing attacks that can
distract or draw out entrenched enemies.
The Vanguard class is a close in fighter. Closing into an enemy and
taking them on at short range with weapons and biotic abilities.
The Sentinel class has a nice cross between most of the classes,
creating several unique skills and abilities. Both weapons and biotics are what this class wealds, as well as a more advanced
shield, making them more resilient and able to wade into the thick
of a fight.
Whatever class you choose to play through Mass Effect 3, you will be
doing it with some lethal weapons at your disposal. The weapons
include heavy pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles,
grenades, heavy weapons, and sub-machine guns. Weapon modifications
are a cool part of the game. Players can modify and customize
firearms by changing out scopes, barrels, for instance. These
modifications affect the weapons functions, performance and how they
look. This is all done by way of a weapons bench that players will
find sprinkled throughout the game. It’s a robust mix of what you
can do with customization and upgrades to a weapon, so for instance
modifications to be able to carry more ammo in a clip for the
weapon, or pack more of a punch even. Though something to bear in
mind is also how much weight your character is hauling through the
mission. The more weight they are heaving around, the slower their
movement, and recharge speed is also affected. The more you’re
carrying, the slower the recharge. There are only two upgrades per
item, so think about your needs.

Other things that can be upgraded over the course of the game are
the character and the crew’s powers. Level up with experience points
and spend them on Shepard or the crew. View the squad screen from
the pause menu upgrading the abilities and also unlocking new ones
and develop new powers through a skill tree. Evolving a power there
are two choices and once you make one, the other is thereafter
Choices made between aggressive negotiations with weapons blazing or
non-aggressive negotiations…actions taken both in gameplay choices
and dialogue has an effect on Shepard’s alignment towards Paragon
(Compassionate) or Renegade (ruthless) and the balance can
fluctuate. Depending on what the character is leaning towards the
most new dialogue options and paths open up…so there’s that replay
ability poking through again. This makes me want to play it through
in a more thoughtful way once and then another play through as a
real hard charging ruthless force.

Battles and combat movement, to me anyway, feel stepped up from the
past games. While the enemy still has moments of what the heck are
they doing, that was stupid. More times than not they are combat
advancing and almost as if they are laying cover fire down for some
of their unit members. They advance and move in different positions
and you as the player have to move to not only get into a better
position, but sometimes have to move just to get out of the line of
fire. Moving your squad mates around for better covering and
flanking moves is also a good tactic to finish off the opposing
force. For the most part you do not have to worry about your team
because they seem to handle themselves well, though if you have some
tactics in mind as noted you can move your team around for best
results and order them to use a power or weapon, my favorite was
having a team member use a grenade be it a explosive grenade or
incendiary to flush out a group of enemy…while they are dancing
around trying to put themselves out lay into them with heavy weapons
fire. The final results…no more enemies.
Moving to and from cover is a lot smoother feeling, pop up and fire
from cover also is very smooth. Again be aware the enemy has some
tactics as well and they use them to some degree, so popping up at
the wrong time will get you as the center of attention for a barrage
of enemy fire. There are also diving rolls, the better to dodge that
enemy weapons fire.
Since the enemy also has armor, shooting for the vitals/center mass
don’t always get the fastest results. Shooting for the head also
does not get an instant kill because of the helmet. Though depending
on the weapon and ammo used the punch the weapon does to the target
can bring them down faster. I found in interesting that when hitting
an arm or leg with incendiary rounds, the target would shake the
flaming body part trying to put out the flames. Enemy also lay down
smoke screens to cover whatever they are doing. This makes them a
tough target because you cannot even see them till the smoke clears.
Since there are different troops you will be facing or character
classes, you will notice different tactics and the way they work
together against you.

Now one of the things I keep getting asked about is the optional
Kinect control for Mass Effect 3. Well as you may or may not know,
the controls are limited to voice commands. The voice commands work
rather well with the Kinect only once in a while not catching what I
was saying, though I think it may have been because things had been
in the heat of battle. Most of the time integration is well done
indeed. Calling out a team mates name and ordering them to a
position that your control cursor is pointing at or ordering them to
attack an enemy that you have your reticle over, or even changing
weapons…all of it makes for an incredibly exciting experience. One
of my favorite voice command Easter eggs has to be with the homage
to Army of Darkness, when changing to the shot gun… you can call it
a book stick. “Swap Boom Stick”
Love it. “This is my BOOM STICK!”
Getting around to the different worlds players will be flying the
Normandy to different star systems and using a landing craft to get
down to locations. On the Normandy there is a Galaxy map that the
player uses to navigate to different locations and around different
star systems once there. Exploration and scanning for assets and
fuel is an important part of the adventure, if you do not have the
fuel or the assets, then you are finished. Though getting around and
scanning planets and systems is a bit dangerous because the Reapers
have spread out and are invading all over the place. If they detect
you, they will enter the system and you may well have to run for it,
and do a mission elsewhere before it is safe to come back to the
planet or system in question. There is also a station on the
Normandy where the player can view the war assets. Viewing the
military strength on this screen shows the units and fleet that the
player has gathered, at what strength they are. The higher the
military assets strength is, the better chance at taking Earth back.
There is also a private terminal where Shepard can view personal
emails, information about missions and even better training tutorial
videos. Almost any place in the game with a press of a control stick
button the game has seamless clever ways to assist the player along
if they are lost at what to do next. These help screens all seem
like part of the adventure and never feel like it is taking you out
of the moment or the gaming world, your just accessing computers in
Graphics in the game are ok, they are a slight step up from the
first two games… depending on you monitor or screen settings you may
notice some banding in some scenes like space scenes and anything
with a gradient change in the sky line, or light and darkness in a
scene. This is by no means distracting at all. Though I was the
tiniest bit disappointed in some load screen and cut scene jaggies.
Now as for the cut scenes, they are close to seamless, walk into a
situation that triggers a cut scene and it loads up with no break in
the action, same for when it exits cut scene, the game play is a
part of it…it ends the cut scene and you almost don’t realize it and
that you have control of the character again, now that is cool.

Sound wise voice acting and all…everything is up to the high
standard that the Mass Effect series has set. Voice acting is good,
though the script they are following at time leaves something to be
desired at times. Sound and sound effects all provide that extra pop
to the game, with explosions and weapons fire delightfully working
the surround sound speakers and making me feel like I physically
have to duck and dodge for cover. It may have just been my setting,
but I did have to lower the music sound levels so I could actually
hear the dialogue.
The style and at times deep story are all here in Mass Effect 3
including relationships. As with other parts of the game it all
depends on the players’ choices and where any of the relationships
go. It’s no real spoiler since designers and heads of the design
team made ever one aware already long ago that romances can blossom
during the game, in fact same sex romances are possible in Mass
Effect 3 regardless of which sex you're playing as. Not very sure if
this was handled as well as it could have been, and I am sure this
alone will have a fire storm of different opinions and of course the
usual folks that feel threatened by others opinions that do not
agree with their strong opinions….BUT, the whole same sex
relationship as well as some interactions with characters came off
at times a bit cliché. Some would argue that the introduction and
handling of same sex relationships in the game had been a political
or move to seem more avant-garde. You know sometimes a duck is just
a duck, same sex relationships have been around a long time, and the
writers saw fit to make it part of the story, it is just part of a
Not all fans will be happy with the changes made to try to
accommodate as many player styles as possible, and that’s the
dangers of progress and change. Sometimes what you change is
welcomed and other times folks that are comfortable only with a
certain style and way, only want the same old thing…..
Discovery of plot points and back story and character/player choices
is all part of the fun of gaming, so no spoilers here folks. I can
say that Mass Effect 3 is indeed an epic conclusion for Commander
Shepard’s role in the Mass Effect Universe.
Does this spell an end to the Mass Effect Universe itself? We have
nothing official, but I would doubt it. With such a deep history to
the gaming world and so much more adventures and tales to be told, a
sequel or even a prequel would be something to explore, what really
happened between the Protheans and The Reapers? Would it not be
interesting to go through a game and switch to different characters
and races and viewpoints during an adventure? Sure it’s been done in
other games, but for Mass Effect…how cool would that be? At this
time we can only muse for the future and enjoy the awesomeness that
is Mass Effect 3.
Have fun play games
Edwin Millheim