Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth
Lord of the Rings:
The Battle for Middle Earth 2 has arrived on the XBox 360 that
features exclusive high-definition content for this power console. The
title revolves around a nexus of events from the Third Age where
Sauron's forces have spilled into the northern parts of Middle
Earth. While his forces attacked the people of Minan and Rohan,
another force challenged the very lands of the elves and dwarves in
truly epic proportions with over 16 different missions.
In its basic essence, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth 2 is
a real-time strategy that has the player controlling a wide aspects
of the Middle Earth universe from protecting their citizens,
amassing huge armies and creating a plethora of buildings through
resource collecting. There are also dozens of different units the
player can create (depending on which side they playing) that also
gives a nod to Peter Jackson's masterpiece.

The Middle-earth
you have never seen brought to life on the Xbox 360! The
unification of the book and film rights have unlocked a world of
Middle-earth – new races, places, heroes, and battles from the
books and films are yours to command.
Command the most
epic battles of Middle-earth from your living room couch
Directly control and manage hundreds of units and engage in
intense, action-packed real-time battles.
friends online and battle it out via Xbox LIVE
The control system
of Battle for Middle Earth 2 is rather self-explanatory, although a
little tricky at the best of times with the XBox 360 controller.
With that said, this game has come from the PC with its two main
input devices, the keyboard and the mouse which are unfortunately absent on the
console. Although EA have done a wonderful job at recreating the
mouse controls on the controller, it does become a little difficult,
especially on the missions towards the middle and end of the game
because a point and click interface would have been easier than an analog stick
and various buttons.
The game
features exclusive new multiplayer games including King of the
Hill, Capture and Hold, and Hero versus Hero.
First The Lord
of the Rings strategy game for any console system and first game
in The Lord of the Rings series for the Xbox 360.
New and
intuitive console-specific control scheme that makes it possible
to experience and enjoy the strategy genre on the Xbox 360.
fortresses or choose to build anywhere! Craft your own landmark
castle and create signature units including naval ships or Elven
and Dwarven heroes.
Hugo Weaving
reprises his role as Lord Elrond lending his voice and likeness
to the game
Weaving offers
the games overarching tone by guiding players in and out of each
good and evil mission within the single player campaigns.
Graphically, Battle
for Middle Earth 2 is a visual treat on the XBox 360 that simply
looks amazing on our 106cm Plasma TV. The background environments
have been professionally designed to create the various lands of
Middle Earth and all characters move with a humanlike grace and
sometimes orclike grace that assists in the escapism of the title.
There are also a variety of special effects in the game from
realistic lighting, reflective surfaces and some amazingly beautiful
spell and fire effects that almost makes you feel like you are Peter
Jackson directing the next Lord of the Rings feature film. The only
downside to the graphics are the shadows of the title that appear
like LEGO and sometimes the framerates that unfortunately become a
little jagged, especially when the screen begins to fill with dozens
and dozens of characters.
Even on a 106cm Plasma TV, it is
unfortunately a little hard to see the game map on the bottom left
hand corner of the screen, although this can easily be rectified by
moving closer to the TV but that does defy the point somewhat.
As with the
graphics, the sound effects and musical score of Battle for Middle
Earth 2 is sensational and the music has been directly lifted from
the three movies that truly inspires you to liberate Middle Earth.
The sound effects have also been taken from the trilogy and match
that with some professional voice acting and Battle for Middle Earth
2 is truly a unique gaming experience.
In conclusion, The
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 is a great game that
unfortunately lands a little short on the XBox 360 because this game
was really intended to have a mouse with it which hampers the
gameplay and makes it extremely fiddly at the best of times.
Graphically, musically and soundwise, the title is top class and EA
have once again done an amazing job at recreating the world of J.R.R.
Tolkein. Personally I would rather play this title on the PC but if
you're a die hard Tolkein fan and with a little bit of training,
most adept gamers will be able to master this title with equally
impressive XBox 360 controller.