For XBox gamers, the
penultimate first person shooter series is Halo and Halo: Combat
Evolved was the game that started it all. However for those
gamers that have come late to the party, Halo: Combat Evolved
Anniversary edition is a remastered version of the game with
beautiful next-generation graphics but with the same story and
gameplay that it made such as a worldwide hit.
It was probably the
first game of its genre to put the story at the forefront and the
campaign mode was filled with classic memorable moments that kept
many on the edge of their seats. With that said, Microsoft Studios
and 343 Industries have created an amazing update of one of a
classic game and Impulse Gamer was lucky enough to check it out!

However before we
get the crux of the gameplay, the first thing that you will notice
are the amazing updated visuals. Revisiting this world again is a
true experience and from a graphical perspective, it's quite a
technological feat with high resolution texture details and gorgeous
lighting. It's almost like playing the game again with the graphics
as everything looks so lush and realistic as you interact with the
title. Another clever option in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is
the option to swap back to the "classic" view which gives the player
a fun comparison of tradition meets next generation graphics.
In relation to
story, XBox fan boys and girls may have experienced the birth of
Halo many times, however seeing it with the remastered visuals is
like reliving some surreal childhood memory again. With the humans
discovering the "Halo" space station, things begin to fall apart
when the Covenant attack. This is where we are introduced to one of
the best gaming protagonists, Master Chef and Cortana, the female
virtual entity who is connected to our hero via neural implants.
It's great to see
the relationship between Master Chief and Cortana fleshed out again
as they definitely make an awesome gaming couple... not in the
romantic way of course. Without spoiling the story further, it's a
classic space adventure of good versus evil with more aliens than
what is generally healthy for you. Oh... there are also some Easter
eggs or additional story segments thrown in as well!

So if you don't know
by know, Halo is a first person shooter which gives the player
access to a wide range of weaponry and vehicles to assist you to get
the job done. In relation to gaming mechanics, the game is almost a
mirror image of the original title with many of the mechanics
remaining unchanged.
It has been tweaked
and does feel a little more sturdy with the new 360 controller, even
with the clichéd jumping. . Depending on your difficulty level, AI
can give you a run for your money, especially the various species of
the Covenant from grunts to elites. It's good to be back!

Apart from the
single-player campaign mode, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary allows
you to play co-op via split-screen (woohoo) or online, both quite
sturdy modes. Nothing is more fun than completing the campaign mode
with a friend as it makes the whole experience a considerably richer
Multiplayer has
received a facelift as well with six updated multiplayer maps and a
new fire fight map. Online play does allow for both competitive and
cooperative matches but it should be noted that classic mode is not
available during compeitive play.
Some players may
notice that certain other multiplayer maps are missing but it's a
small price to pay for the visual overhaul. Gamers playing Halo:
Reach can however download the Anniversary Map Pack for 1200
Microsoft Points. It's also great that Halo: Combat Evolved
Anniversary contains both Forge and Theatre modes so not only can
you replay matches but you can create your own maps and gaming

Graphics and
I love the new looks of the Covenant enemies which are almost on par
with the new Halo games and unlike their rather dated looks from the
original game, they appear more life-like and dangerous. Even the
Flood look more nefarious and deadly. As mentioned earlier, the
player can swap between remastered and classic modes whenever they
want which is really fun to use. The contrast between classic and
remastered is quite noticeable, although it looks eerie similar at
the same time.
The attention to detail in the remastered mode really brings the
world to life, especially on the XBox 360 console and the lighting
and sky effects are to die for. Did I mention 3D? Yup, the game even
supports 3D and really jumps out at you when you enable this
feature. We tested this feature on our Samsung 3D TV and the game
definitely takes a new lease of life.
Even audio has been
updated and sounds phenomenal through a surround sound system with
some extraordinary use of bass, especially when the battles
commence. The soundtrack of Halo is quite iconic and really lends
itself well to the storyline.

Final Level
Microsoft Studios and 343 Industries should be commended on this
10th anniversary release of Halo: Combat Evolved. It's definitely
for the Halo fan or for those that like well-made first person
shooters with some great gaming mechanics and some amazing gaming
environments that almost make this a new game. The ability to swap
between classic and remastered is a treat in itself and really makes
you appreciate what the developers created with the original game.
Key Features
All new graphics and
cinematics designed for the
Play both updated and
classic modes, including
toggle to relive your
original moment.
Relive the fun with co-op
over Xbox LIVE.
Achievements to complete
Halo Career and skulls for
game variety.
7 Nostalgic Maps using Reach
multiplayer engine (6
Multiplayer +1 Firefight)
Enhanced Story - New story
elements fill in the