Final Fantasy is probably the greatest RPG series in the world of
gaming which has been released on a variety of platforms from
handhelds to computers and of course, next generation consoles. From
larger than life stories and characters that almost jump out of your
screen, the biggest drawcard of this Japanese RPG series was the
addictive gameplay.
Unfortunately the gameplay remained quite static for a considerable
number of releases but thankfully a revamped occurred only a few
games back which definitely made things more enjoyable. Another key
aspect to the Final Fantasy series is that although the game is up
to number 13, the titles have been a reimagining of this universe
which means only certain elements remain constant in these stories.
Therefore, every game is different and you don't need knowledge of
what has come before it.

This however is not the case with Final Fantasy XIII-2 as it
progresses the story from the previous game, however this time the
main protagonists are Serah, sister of Lightning and Noel Kreiss who
seems like a more cocky version of Cloud. The game itself takes
place around 3-years after the ending of Final Fantasy XII which
begins with a truly amazing cinema.
Square Enix are definitely the masters of in-game cinematics and
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is no exception to this rule. In this cinema,
Lightning is battling the nefarious Cauis through the wondrous city
of Valhalla.
The attention to detail is brilliant in all cinemas in the game and
whether its the realistic hair movement, the detailed skin tones
with even blemishes or my favourite, the almost human looking eyes
(there's no zombie eyes here), everything looks like a professional
CGI movie and more importantly, it portrays a sense of emotion. I
loved seeing the ultra-realistic metal effect on Lightning's armour
during the first cinema which is another wow moment.

the opening cinema which is truly another epic gaming moment, we
learn that Lightning is trying to vanquish Cauis in order to save
Valhalla. As the two battle above the Valhalla skyline with its
clever Escher type camera angles, Lightning finally manages to
defeat her enemy. Unfortunately, this is not the case and in a last
effort to destroy Valhalla, Lightning summons Noel Kreiss to
Valhalla and gives him the task of going into the time stream in
order to find her sister Serah.
With Serah's help, Lightning believes that she can change the future
and in turn prevent the disaster that the future has become. This
cinema also introduces the player to the control system of the game
which gets explored later once you control Serah. But seeing
Lightning fight Cauis with her trusty mechanical dog Odin is
definitely one hell of a way to start the game.
For those who have not played the previous game, this game is still
accessible thanks to the Beginners Primer. The beginners primer is
basically a narrative about the previous game and helps the player
put the pieces together of these characters and the world that they
are playing in. Even if you skip this section, most players should
have no problem in picking up the storyline of this new final Final
Fantasy game. The game supports two levels of difficulty that
include normal and easy. You definitely want to pick normal if you
want a challenge.
The game starts in the city of New Bodhum where you are given
control of Serah and Square Enix once again use the sink or swim
strategy of learning and throws the player straight into a battle as
this town is overrun by monsters. I also like how the game uses
Triggers which allows the player to assist their character in
interpreting their current situation or when they are asking other
characters questions.

a confused Serah lays on the ground in fear, she is saved by Noel
and together they help destroy these creatures. This first level
teaches you how to navigate in the world and use your commands in
battle, whether automatic or abilities that allows the player to
manually select their attacks. The game even uses cinematic action
sequences or quick-time events which require the player to press a
string of buttons or manoeuvres on their controller to perform some
very cool move that is enhanced by the cinema.
It's also great that you can chain attacks together with your
colleagues via the paradigm shift that opens up for truly
devastating attacks on your enemies and is definitely required for
the more difficult encounters. Paradigms to an extent can be
customised and at times can be quite complex to master this system.
Thankfully the game does a decent job at teaching you the basics at
the start.
The combat is definitely the best in any FF game as it's quite fluid
and offers the player a choice of strategies and teamwork options
while attacking the enemy. Square Enix have also changed players
deaths as well which means if your leader happens to die in combat,
the game does not automatically end which was quite frustrating when
you were battling those tougher bosses. Add in items, levelling up
and lots of exploring and FF 13-2 is a classic JRPG with a few
modern twists thrown into the gameplay.

Apart from controlling Noel and Serah in your party, you also have a
third position for a Pokémon type monster that you have captured and
each of these monsters all have their pros and cons such as fighters
or healers. The Cait Siths were my favourite as they act as healers
within your party and allowed me to focus my two guns, Noel and
Serah directly on the opponents. These Pokémon... err... monsters
can even be levelled up along with your other party members. The
difficulty here is that as there is such a wide choice of monsters
to be found, it's difficult to find the perfect balance of whether
to use your levelled up creature or to recruit the slighter weaker
monster who will eventually become even more powerful.
Missions are quite diverse and quite satisfying, although the story
does become a little somewhat confusing, especially as you navigate
through the time stream to different locations which is achieved by
visiting the Historia Crux. Apart from the main missions, there are
plenty of side quests and NPC missions that you have the choice of
completing or not. Some areas also need special items to access
which is a chore in itself.
However like most FF titles, the more grinding that you do, the more
powerful your characters become, especially with those boss battles
and the last fight. I remember one FF game where I just raced on
through and when I came face to face with the end boss, it was
impossible for me to defeat. We all learn from our mistakes but it's
vital to continue levelling up your characters in order to improve
them and of course, find better items.
The best feature of this game besides the combat is the ability to
save anywhere. That's right, if you haven't played a FF for awhile,
you can now save wherever you like and you don't need to search for
those sometimes elusive save points. This does open up the game for
more short gaming sessions as you don't need to play until you find
those save points. With that said, the gameplay is quite flawless in
this title, although it is a little repetative.

Graphically, FF 13-2 is a beautiful looking game that is oozing with
some amazing eye candy. The cinematics are easily the best that have
ever been produced and the in-game graphics is not something to
scoff eitherat, although the backgrounds are a little bland.
Character animation is good as are the battles and the various
special effects and lighting that graces this title. Voice acting is
quite professional, although some characters like Noel do get on
your nerve due to their annoying dialogue. I really dug the musical
score in this game as well that not only pays homage to previous
games in this series but enhances the overall gaming experience,
especially when it tugs at your emotional heartstrings.
Final Level
The game itself will take around 30+ hours to complete and the
ending of FF 13-2 is a real killer which seems a result of the
butterfly effect that Serah and Noel have got themselves involved in
as it's basically a to be continued ending. One good thing about the
ending of this game is that you can keep on playing and levelling
which is kind of cool as the game is so much fun to play. If you're
a fan of this franchise, this is a must have title that features a
well crafted story with some very likeable characters and a very
sturdy combat engine that goes hand in hand with the gameplay. At
times, Final Fantasy XIII-2 does become a little convoluted but
somehow it successfully creates a modern fairytale of good versus
evil. Recommended!