F1 Race STars
The usually austere F1 license and the wackiness synonymous with kart
racing are disparate genres that, just like that Emo chick at school who
hooked up with that sports-mad bogan, you never expected to get married
together. Does the world of Formula 1 racing games, primarily focused on
authentic simulations, make for a good partner or is an acrimonious
divorce on the cards?

If you’re going to go head to head with a genre dominated by Mario, you
better bring your A-Game. For nearly two decades now Mario Kart
has been the unequivocal King of kart racing, with all other contenders
to the throne dismissed as pale imitations of the real thing.
Rather than rehashing a tired template with a Formula 1 skin,
Codemasters have tweaked the genre ever so slightly to add some new
elements more in keeping with the games older brother, the acclaimed
F1 series. The very first thing you’ll notice about F1 Race Stars
is that there’s no drifting. Yep, you read that right – No drifting
whatsoever. In keeping with the sport, races focus more on hitting the
apex of a corner and then accelerating suddenly rather than
power-sliding all over the place. Although this would appear to be a
small change, it has a major effect on how you play as precious seconds
can be lost by hitting a corner too hard and overshooting the turn,
smashing your grinning caricature headlong into a wall.

The game
features some of the most pronounced understeer you’ll encounter in a
game of this sort and places driving skill first and foremost, rather
similar to the recent F1 2012. This change takes a little bit to
get used to, but after a few races you become comfortable with the
handling and will be able to hold your own with the best of them. Boosts
are abundant in the game, with red lines automatically accelerating you
and blue ones requiring you to press the right trigger from one to three
times, with the intensity of the boost raised incrementally with each
successive press. In lieu of drifting, you have the KERS boost system at
your disposal.
sounds easy, but more than once I found myself sliding off the track
during a tight corner and resetting my boost level; it takes some skill
to maintain your speed. It is surprising that a game that’s aimed at
kids and the party gaming demographic would insist that you drive at a
skill level usually reserved for more serious fare but it’s not
detrimental to the game in the long run.

The tracks are all based on famous Formula 1 mainstays but with a
cartoonish twist; Abu Dhabi takes place on a rollercoaster, for example,
and you’ll find yourself struggling to maintain control whilst being
besieged by giant Sumo Wrestlers, jettisoning your car off of ramps into
the night sky and riding on top of moving trains. The tracks are
incredibly fun and inspired and it’s fun to see them re-imagined in such
an overstated manner. One complaint is that there are only 11
representations of the 20 official tracks, eventually making the career
mode an exercise in repetition.
As expected for an official game, F1 Race Stars is well licensed
and features a cadre of big names such as Mark Webber (Complete with a
ropey ocker accent), Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton. Rendered as
goofy caricatures with oversized heads and childish idiosyncrasies,
initially the characters come off as endearing but after awhile the
exaggerated accents start to grate a bit. You can always turn the voices
off in the menu if they get on your nerves too much though.
Despite the boosts and KERS, the game sometimes feels like its
on-the-rails, in that you can complete some of the easier tracks by
holding down the right trigger and ignoring the brakes altogether.
Following the familiar karting formula you run over a myriad of
power-ups and use them to decimate your competition. These include
coloured bubbles, similar to the turtle shells in Mario Kart, and some
ingenious variations of Formula 1 specific power-ups such as a safety
car that slows the opposition down, allowing you to streak past them and
into the lead.
Weather conditions can change throughout the races – A power-up can also
affect this – But for the most part there is no discernable effect on
handling, which is a bit of a shame. The game also features a dynamic
damage system and optional pit stops at certain points of the track;
these add a strategic element to the game, ensuring that maintaining the
condition of your vehicle is paramount if you plan on holding on to that
elusive first place. This is a welcome addition to the genre as your
tactical advantage can hinge on whether or not you’re willing to lose a
few seconds in order to re-enter the race with a refurbished vehicle.

Although the single player career mode can feel a bit hollow,
multiplayer is where F1 Race Stars starts to shine. The AI, while
decent enough, can’t hold a candle to the antics you’ll encounter either
online or in split screen multiplayer. In fact, on occasion the AI can
be downright malicious; more than once I’ve been on the home stretch
with a healthy lead only to be hit by a homing bubble and left to dangle
statically metres from the finish line whilst my opponents zip past me,
leading to a multitude of expletives being spat angrily at my
As fun as multiplayer is though, you’ll be hard pressed to find many
games at this early stage. After waiting for what felt like an eternity,
I found another player to race against, but the second time I attempted
to play online I was unable to find a single game to jump into. The
following day I managed to find one with three other opponents but the
sporadic nature of the server connection and countless minutes spent
simply waiting was enough to deter me from delving to deeply into this
side of things. It’s a shame, really, as when I found a game it was an
exhilarating experience stopping a foul mouthed cockney in their tracks
as I sped into the lead. Thankfully, if you have some likeminded
friends, split screen multiplayer is as fun as ever and doesn’t suffer
from these issues.

The graphics are clean and free of jagged edges and F1 Race Stars
takes visual cues from the its contemporaries, replicating the
flamboyant colours, cel shading and cartoonish visuals associated with
the genre. Although the visuals are effective in making you feel like
you are playing a cartoon, compared with other games on the system
they’re rather simplistic and don’t really tax the 360’s processor. That
being said, for games such as this the visuals come second to the
experience and they serve their purpose in this respect. There are no
visible drops in the framerate, even when engaged in online multiplayer.
Audio is unremarkable, again a case of being merely serviceable. The
cars sound nice and sound effects are conveyed adequately, but poor
voice acting drags the game down in this respect. The music is as
annoyingly kitschy as expected but you’ll find yourself humming along to
the boppy tunes on your second playthrough of each track and the
soundtrack suits the tracks they’re assigned to rather well.

Final Level
F1 Race Stars
is a game that struggles to find its identity. Too esoteric for many
karting fans, it’s too simplistic and cutesy for hardline Formula 1
fans. This internal conflict works against the appeal of the game and it
suffers as a result. Codemasters have done a decent job with the game
but it’s too unsure of which demographic it’s aiming for, attempting to
placate both sides and inadvertently leaving both underwhelmed.
It doesn’t bring all that much that’s new to the table, and what changes
they have made may turn some potential fans off, especially the lack of
drifting. With all that said, however, the game is a fun little
distraction that you’ll happily invest a few hours a week into if you
can get past its minor flaws. Multiplayer is really where the game
stands out and, assuming you can actually find a game, you’ll have just
as much fun with F1 Race Stars as you would with most other games
of its ilk.
F1 Race Stars
was a bit of a gamble for Codemasters and although they may not have
completely pulled it off, it’s an admirable attempt that should be
appreciated for what it is – A much less serious excursion for the F1
license and a much needed injection of fun into a notoriously po-faced
series. |