I think I was like the only person in
the world who got a huge kick out of playing Duke Nukem Forever.
Sure, the game was rough around the edges or as some would say dated
and the main character was an ass but there was still something
endearing about playing the world's awesomest action hero and
thankfully I can now get my fix with the latest DLC for Duke Nukem
Forever, The Doctor Who Cloned Me! Of course, it wasn't just me who
enjoyed this game, there were thousands of other nostalgic fans from
around the world as well!

Add in all the Duke Nukem clichés such
as witty one-liners, sexual innuendos and the "babes" and The Doctor
Who Cloned Me DLC is not only a laugh a minute ride but actually contains
some entertaining and sometimes frustrating battles.
As always the
stakes are high for Duke and this time he's fighting an army of
clones... uh-oh... did I mention Duke Nukem clones? With around 4 to
5 hours of gaming goodness, if you enjoyed the previous game than
you'll have a blast expanding Duke's portfolio in this DLC.

With the majority of your gaming time
taken up with fighting, there are a few tricky battles in this game,
especially the boss battle but like the first person shooter games
from the 80's and 90's, it's over the top and quite acceptable at
how ridiculous these moments become.
However with all this Duke
Nukem goodness, not everything is perfect and as mentioned, the
gaming engine still feels quite dated and all the environments blur
together. There are a few memorable areas such as the moon which has
this really bad B-grade action movie feel to it and of course, there
are plenty of vehicles to drive, including a school bus. To help
break things up, there are puzzles that must be solved and
generally, these are quite easy to figure out.

Depending on your difficulty level, AI
ranges from pushover to extremely challenging and I don't think I'll
ever grow bored of killing those alien pig police with Duke's trusty
shotgun. But if you want to try something totally different, than
why not try on the Impregnator weapon for size which is once again
filled with Duke Nukem outrageousness.
Graphics are almost a
duplicate of the previous game which does have a few loading issues
and thankfully Jon St. John returns as politically incorrect voice
of Duke Nukem. All in all, it's classic 90's first person shooter
magic with gameplay, graphics and audio.

Lastly, the developers have added four
new multiplayer maps that include Sky High, Command, Drop Zone and
Biohazard, provided you can find the players. All kidding aside,
there were plenty of gamers online when I played and it's good to
see that some people can appreciate this long overdue series.
enjoyed Command the most which was set in an Aliens (the movie) space station
with lots of tight corridors and plenty of hiding spaces. Sky High
was another fun level that contains way too many jump-pads which
reminded me of a certain level from another blast from the past,
Rise of the Triad with all the jumping. Considering the cost of this
DLC, it's worth every penny.

Final Level
If you enjoyed the previous game, than you'll get a kick out of this
game. I did find this game considerably easier than Duke Nukem
Forever and when it came to entertainment, both are definitely tops, especially for Duke Nukem fans. Although I'm probably a
little biased as I can still remember playing this game for MS-DOS
and when the series went 3D. But hey, that's what nostalgia is for
right? You go get 'em Duke!