Divinity II: Ego
Draconis is an interesting yet strange game on the XBox 360 and
after giving the game a thorough trashing, it seems like it would be
more suited to the world of PC gaming, especially considering the
control and camera issues. However for me, it was still an endearing
RPG game and even though it was quite PC-esq, something made want to
explore this world of men and dragons.

Set in the fantasy
setting of Rivellion, Divinity II is a universe where might and
magic rule the world and the gamer is transformed into a powerful
Dragon Slayer who is destined to become a Dragon Lord. Of course at
its basic elements, Divinity II is an RPG game that has the player
exploring the land, fighting enemies, finding equipment and of
course a healthy dose of leveling.
The story of Divinity II revolves around a Dragon Hunter who is
attempting to purge dragons from his and her lands. However as you
progress, you soon discover that you are more than just a humble
Dragon Hunter and more specifically, a Dragon Lord. Sure, it's
clichéd and the voice acting is at times forced and contrived but
hey... I'm a junkie for D&D type games and this returns the genre to
a much more simpler time. Best of all, the game does not use the
traditional character archetypes and your particular path is only
limited by the skills that the player decides on.

In your travels, you will encounter a variety of NPC's and other key
characters who will point you in the right direction and like XBOX
360 GAME, the player has the option of selecting a variety of
dialogue lines that they will say to these characters. Interestingly
enough, we saved the game and tried a few different options and
different times in the game and it did not see to effect the outcome
at all. That is a shame because it is such a valuable asset when
used correctly.
Although the game is
pretty much a hack 'n' slash RPG experience with a variety of
weapons and items available to the player. Even the game starts very
slowly, when you do find your "dragon" groove, you do have the
ability to become a dragon which really ups the ante and enjoyment
factor of the game. Leveling up is the same as most RPG games where
you can put points to boost your skills.
Combat is fun,
albeit in a third person way and although when you're "human", you
hack and slash your way to victory with some spells, becoming the
dragon is once again where the game starts to shine. Very
reminiscent of the PS2 game Draken. The downside to the game is that
it becomes a little repetitive but thankfully the missions and
future skills is enough to nudge the gamer along.
Graphically, the
environments are a little Spartan at the best of times but the
enemies are well animated and contain some decent looking texture
details to help immerse you into this fantasy world. The dragons
look fantastic as do the special effects and lighting in the game.
Although in hindsight, the game looks a little dated but with just
enough 21st century console grace to still be quite pleasing to look
at. Sometimes controlling the cameras are a little pesky which at
times seems to crawl which does become a frustration issue while in

Musically the game sounds great and features that RPG style
soundtrack that is matched with all the sounds of battle. The voice
acting is pip pip tally ho and does suit the game, although some
characters fail the "oomph" factor which is a shame. Perhaps a
higher production value may have turned this game from B to A.
At the end of the
day, I enjoyed the game, even though there were a few pesky issues
with the camera mode and the slow start of the game. However
prevalence will definitely unleash your inner dragon which is
where the game shone for me. It may not be the most original RPG
game on the market or attempt to add a curve ball into the future of
the RPG market but at the end of the day, it's competent on most
Sequel to the award-winning
Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity Role Playing Games!
Following the lineage of these two much-acclaimed RPGs,
Divinity II: Ego Draconis has adapted many of the most famous
elements that made these two original games classics. Divinity
II: Ego Draconis makes use of the same classless system that was
incorporated in Divine Divinity, which allows you to choose your
own path as you become a Dragon Knight.
Fight as both a human and a dragon.
Don't settle for taming and riding a dragon when you can be the
Dragon! For the first time, an RPG unleashes the very power of
the Dragon on you! Climb high and vaporize all that stands in
your way as you strategically use both your human and dragon
forms to defeat Damian and become the ultimate Dragon Knight!
Dynamically unfolding storyline
depending on your choices and skills.
Divinity II : Ego Draconis gives you a wide range of moral
choices when deciding on how to act on quest objectives. When
you make these choices, the consequences of your actions appear
throughout game play. Consequences such as up to 20 possible
quest solutions, new quest chains, NPC reactions, vendor pricing
and other experience-altering consequences make Divinity II: Ego
Draconis very interesting and engaging.
Use your powerful Battle Tower as base
of operations.
Looming like a colossal stone claw over Sentinel Island, stands
the Battle Tower, a vast citadel built many centuries ago by
Maxos, the Dragon Mage. Become bound to the Battle Tower through
a mystical relic known as the Dragon Stone. The Dragon Stone
allows you to teleport to the Battle Tower at any moment so that
you can utilize the powers within.
Build your very own ultimate fighting
Conjure the spirits to bring to life a creature made from body
parts you have collected during your battles. This creature’s
power is literally the sum of its body parts; the composition of
various limbs determines its strengths and abilities. Once you
are able to assemble this abomination, you may summon it to
support you in combat.