The survival horror genre returns on
the XBox 360 in Dead Space which could almost be considered a
Resident Evil game set in the distant future with strange alien
creatures and enough scares to almost make you need to change your
underwear. Move over Half Life because Dead Space just got scarier!

The title also features a strong
storyline that revolves around mining planets for resources and a
survivalist hero who ventures aboard a mysterious ghost ship.
Without spoiling the plot of Dead Space, the storyline is extremely
engaging and is probably one of the better survival stories of late
which truly immerses you into the game. Match that with some
beautiful visuals and cinematics and it’s easy to get lost in this
vast gaming universe.
At its core, Dead Space is a third
person action game that combines first person shooters and the
horror/survival genre which gives gamers access to a variety of
weapons and equipment to assist you in your goals. Most of time, it
seems like you are scavenging for ammunition which adds to the
excitement of the title.

Your futuristic suit also contains a
variety of nifty features from holographic transmissions and maps
which goes a long way making this game seem real. Although the
majority of time will be spent with your plasma blaster as you shoot
a plethora of almost unending monsters, where the title does shine
is through shot placements.
The key to the game is ensure that
you make the most of your ammunition and you can blast limbs and
also heads from your enemies which makes for some nerve racking
Our hero also has the unique ability
of telekinesis which can also be used against your foes and nothing
is more satisfying than using this power to launch body parts at
your enemies.
Telekinesis can also be used to
solve a variety of puzzles in the game and does break up the
“shooter” aspect of the game. You can even use this ability to
remove appendages from your “victims” which is graphically quite
impressive. Very cool indeed!

The game does contain a variety of
different weapons and equipment which can be found lying around the
ship or through interactive kiosks, however you are limited to what
you can carry. Your suit and weapons also have the ability to be
upgraded via computer terminals.
Graphically, the title is sheer brilliant on the XBox 360 with sharp
images, a great colour palette and some truly engaging scenes that
suits the genre perfectly. The monsters are the stars of the game
though and are quite frightening at times. Match that with a
Hollywood sounding soundtrack and Dead Space is definitely one of
the better third person games available at present.
conclusion, Dead Space is a thoroughly enjoyable game that we could
recommend to anyone who loves first person shooters (or third) or
the survival horror genre. Things have gotten truly scarier on the
XBox 360!