Deadpool reminds me of the Duke
Nukem of the comicbook world, a character created in the 90's in a time
where comicbook publishers such as DC and Marvel tried to gritty up
their characters. As a result, Deadpool was born thanks to writer
Fabian Nicieza and artist Rob Liefeld about a mercenary
anti-hero who didn't take crap from anyone.
Deadpool also had a bigger
ego than Rob Liefeld and the character is actually based on another DC
Character who looks almost identical. That's right, Deadpool was a parody of
Deathstroke and ironically it took off in the Marvel Universe with his
grim attitude and classic one-liners.

The game, created by High Moon Studios
doesn't take itself too seriously and if you go along with the flow,
Deadpool is actually a fun game, albeit a bit stupid at times
(defecating, sex dolls) and for a third person action game, the
mechanics actually work well from great melee to some amusing weaponry.
I also liked that the game had some awesome Marvel cameos like Wolverine and
once again, if you don't take the game seriously, you'll actually have a
fun time exploring the world of Deadpool. The story of Deadpool is quite
outrageous and is oozing with 90's cliché and wit plus more mentions of breasts
than you poke a stick at. Another cool element is that when Deadpool
talks, he talks to you!

Although the game does have some objectives
that must be completed, the majority of time will be spent beating or
shooting the absolute living daylights out of your enemies. Like the
Teen Titans nemesis Deathstroke from DC Comics, Deadpool is a master at
almost all weapons and High Moon Studios definitely gives you some great
variety when it comes to combat.
From Japanese katana swords to some
whopping big guns, battles play out quite well, especially the bosses
that you face plus some well timed combos to seriously kick gaming butt.
Although it does become a little repetitive at times, the amusing
juvenile one-liners had me in hysterics at times and the combat can be quite

Thankfully the developers have given the
player a few tricks such as the ability of using "Deadpool points" to
upgrade your weapons (e.g. shotguns) and abilities (e.g. more health).
The environments of Deadpool are varied from cities to sewers
and almost everything in between. There's also this great retro level in
the game where due to funding cuts in the story, the game reverts to an
old school top-down view.
Another highlight is that like the comics,
Deadpool has the ability to teleport which not only assists with battles
but works as a dodge mechanic. He even has this great counterattack
that I'm sure was inspired from a certain Batgame and really helps liven
up the combat.

Graphically, Deadpool mimics the Marvel
comicbook universe well and the character of Deadpool looks great, even
the various cameos in the game. It also looks like the developers paid close
attention to the female physique in the game who would not look out of
place in a Dead or Alive video game. Needless to say, High Moon Studios
and Deadpool love breasts!
Character animation works well and the
environment is diverse, although a little simplistic in some
areas. Add in some fun and over the top voice acting and if you have
ever read Deadpool before, this is how he should look and talk. The
musical score adds to the excitement of the gameplay and gives this game
a great retro atmosphere.

Final Thoughts?
Deadpool works because it throws the
political norm out the window and doesn't take itself seriously at all.
Unlike Duke Nukem, Deadpool works in the 21st century thanks to some
strong game mechanics and although it may not be Batman Arkham City, it
does come close in terms of fun and over the top battles.
To complete
Deadpool, it should take most gamers around 7 or so hours but there are
a few other modes to get you busy as well, although no multiplayer. To
sum it up, Deadpool is a classic 90's anti-hero with over the top jokes,
gratuitous female bodies, next-generation graphics and some amusing
retro scenes that definitely make Deadpool a truly enjoyable superhero
experience. |