Dead or Alive 4
Team Ninja are back with
the latest instalment of Dead or Alive, the first on this next gen
console. Whilst initially the game looks as though it’s just been given
a bit of a technical polish up, there is a great deal more under the
hood of this esteemed fighter that should make folks stand up and pay
The game looks and sound great with increased detail
on all player models, however the characters still look very similar to
their counterparts on previous games. Essentially all that this means is
that you are going to know most of the characters that are fighting but
at the same time they are going to look all sparkly new.
Fighting this time in the environments is certainly
going to be a challenge. Introduced are a great level of counters that
can really decimate your enemy or you if you are the victim of one.
Counters can knock you to the ground, incapacitated for a few seconds
whilst you get the #$!p knocked out of you and there won’t be a thing
that you can do about it. It’s a bit of a mission to learn all the
intricacies of the numerous combos that you can mash your way through
that your head will spin.
A great new addition is the higher level of
interaction with the gaming environments that you get to battle in.
Amazing waterfalls, urban landscapes, all are there and all contain
their own hazards in a way that has not been the case in the previous
incarnations of the game. Rocks and rubble may strew the landscape and
you can use this to your advantage when fighting to cause your opponent
to trip or stumble. It’s damn cool!
Online fighting is great on the game and would be
sure to keep player busy for a heck of a lot of time. There are a number
of modes that are available for gamers online but essentially it all
boils down to tweaking your fighting styles and then wreaking havoc on a
poor sap near you. The title runs well online and our experience showed
the servers to be handling everything well.
One of my faves online was the tag team scenario that
allowed for three players per team to duke it and and tap out to your
mate when the heat was on. The lobby is able to hold a number of other
people as well so if chatting is your thing then that will do the trick
no worries till you get to lay the smack down.
This is a game that will keep punters busy for a
long, long time and is certainly the best in the franchise thus far.
DOA4 is a game that requires dedication, many hours were spent working
out the best combos and ways of handling the environment. Nimble fingers
need to be exercised in this game and those with quick reflexes will be
rewarded, especially when taking advantage of the counters that have
been increased in this game. There is a real chance now to defend
yourself in ways that previously simply were not there.
So, fight fans rejoice, especially if you actually
own the 360 and are not simply looking around as to whether or not you
should join it. The answer is simple, you need this game and investing
in a Live account will only help enhance it all the more for you.