boss comes to me and says, hey check out Crysis for Xbox 360. Well
did we not do a write up on the spectacular and at the time PC only
game back in 2008 or so? Yes, in fact we did. So it was with a
little trepidation that I went into play and review mode. After all
I loved and still do love the original game Crysis. Would the game
suffer being put into a console version? Was it not said back then
that the Xbox 360 and PS3 lacked the graphical power to merit it
being made for consoles?

Well cheese and crackers people here we are now, and what do I have
downloaded onto my Xbox 360 hard drive? Crysis, of course, and I can
tell you that other than a few tweaks here and there to run on
consoles and their controller configurations, Crysis has not lost
any of its gaming punch.
Many times I hate coming back to much older games because they do
not seem to measure up to the original experience at all when
compared to newer games advancements in technology. Crysis maintains
that feeling of when I first played it and adds some things here and
there graphically that make it work on consoles and still looks
spectacular, even with some minor graphical jaggies in vegetation
and environments. Some graphical pop ins from draw distance do

you have played the PC version on a race horse of a PC, you will of
course notice that this latest version does not have the sharpness
of detail. The game still looks darn good even in this incarnation.
If you have held out experiencing the outright fun and tactical
gaming goodness of this title, there is no reason for you to not
check it out now that it is downloadable for your console. This
first jaunt is still just as engagingly fun. Players still have to
think in a tactical sense while managing the special exo-skeleton
called a Nanosuit.

With abilities like enhanced armor, and speed and cloaking, each of
which drains energy from the suit… the power does replenish, it is
still a tactical juggle and a blast to jump back and forth between
the suites abilities and give yourself the edge in combat.
Some sounds seem a little more subdued than I recall from the PC
version but everything else plays just as smooth, including using
the suits different abilities, a very well done port over.

While it is a hefty download size, it is well worth the gaming
experience that started it all for this franchise, which if the
developers have their way there will be a Crysis 3 coming.
it stands Crysis for Xbox 360 download is still one of the must have
games around.
Edwin Millheim
Have fun, play games!
Impulse Games!