Crackdown returns to the XBox 360 and brings that crazy assed
gameplay from the original which made it a treat to play back in the
day. Unfortunately not much has really changed since the original
and this game has this real first-generation feel to it from the
gameplay to the graphics. However, the game does bring some new
features to the gamer which include four player co-op (that's
right), new weapons and of course new vehicles to race around
Pacific City. Then you have the story of Crackdown 2 which is
showcased to the player via a variety of non-coherent cutscenes that
will leave new comers scratching their end. It's all a little bit
old school for me.

story of Crackdown 2 follows from the original game and although the
Agency (the local law enforcement organisation) has attempted to
restore peace in Pacific City, The Cell, a terrorist organisation
has truly left its devastating mark on the city. It's basically
World War III within the city walls and then you have the mutants,
once humans who are now crazed zombie killers... Pacific City is
FUBAR! Thankfully for the denizens of Pacific City, the Agency which
is a group of clone-like superheroes are still around and this time,
they're going to bring order or perhaps chaos back to the city in
this 3rd person action platformer. Don't get me wrong, Crackdown 2
is not ALL bad, fighting dozens upon dozens of enemies
quite an adrenaline rush at the start but things slowly become to
deteriorate as its repetitive nature kicks in.
the previous game, players start as a lowly super powered cloned
agent and by collecting orbs which are littered through Pacific
City, this will slowly increase your super hero abilities. It's like
seeing Batman go from human to Superman as you knock missiles, throw
cars around and smash the heads of thousands of enemies. Orbs are
like experience points or skill points and depending on what skill you are using at
the time, you are awarded orbs that allow you to improve your
powers. Apart from super powers, your character has access to
weaponry which range from mild to ludicrous. Cracking heads together
is all fun and dandy but shooting a rocket launcher into a group of
mutants is equally as satisfying. The main crux of the
story however is completing a variety of missions for the Agency and these
are generally just slug feasts.
As a
single-player game, Crackdown 2 is a little boring but when you
include the 4-player co-op, it does make things a hell of a lot more
For online, apart from
4-player co-op, the game does contain some interesting online modes
that include Deathmatch, team Deathmatch and Rocket Tag. Rocket tag
is easily the most fun as gamers only have rocket launchers to tag
their "chicken". These multiplayer modes are fun but co-op is
the winner here.

plays a huge role in the game which is like a comic book on Ritalin
as enemies are like a hoard of flies as you belt them to kingdom
come and back. There are two types of enemies that include people
from The Cell or zombie like mutants, including bosses and the like.
Although the enemies are quite varied, there are sometimes way too
many of them. As you do progress, enemies become considerably more
powerful so just be warned which difficulty you commence on.
characters also have access to some fun special moves which livens
up the sometimes repetitive gameplay but all these fighting styles
seem a little mish mash. You can drive vehicles in
the game which can also be used to take out enemies as you run them
over and even perform stunts which give you more orbs to your
arsenal. If this sounds totally confusing, the game does contain a
rather basic tutorial at the start before it unleashes this brand
new clone upon Pacific City.

Graphically, Crackdown 2 is almost a carbon copy of the original and
unfortunately in this day and age, developers cannot sit on their
laurels. The background environments look too simplistic and "boxy"
and overall, everything is quite plain. Even that cell shaded effect
from the original isn't helping the cause and the highlight for me
were the explosions and the far too few pre-rendered cutscenes.
Everything in the game looks too clean! The musical score isn't that
memorable but the sound effects are decent through surround sound as
is the voice acting which is over the top but suits this Robocop
world quite well.

Thoughts? Crackdown 2 doesn't really add anything new to this
franchise and because of the dated look of the gameplay and
graphics, this may turn a few gamers off. If only the developers
spent a little bit more time in making the game look and play
better, then Crackdown 2 would have been a winner. It's not all bad
but then again, it's not all good in this world of mutants and
terrorists. If you're thinking of buying it, you might want to rent