It seems that the
flavour of the year are "buddy" shooters such as Army of Two and
Kane & Lynch, and now the PC port of Conflict: Denied Ops on XBox
360 which once again allows the gamer to join an "AI" friend in
order to shoot their way to victory. Although Army of Men was an
extremely clever premise, Conflict: Denied Ops is more your
traditional shooter which still allows you order your "buddy" around
in order to perform basic commands.

This basically means
you cannot sit back on your laurels and let your friend do all the
work, the gamer is still in charge and you must "think" your way to
victory. The story of Conflict: Denied Ops is so clichéd that it
will may you laugh at times and revolves two army colleagues, an
African-American named Lang who is the heavy gunner and a country
red neck named Graves who is the sniper. Even though it sounds like
it's out of a bad 80's action movie, the banter between both
characters is quite entertaining, even though most of it is forced,
cheesy and clichéd.

Both Lang and Graves
must traverse the world, completing missions for their government
such as finding nuclear warheads, escorting characters and good old
fashioned "blow 'em up" fun. You do however need to balance both the
characters special abilities, such as using Lang in heavy firefight
or Graves for sniping.
The title features
basic commands such as Follow, Move, Open Fire and Hold Fire to
assist you throughout the game. The main nuisance of the title is
that if you don't give your colleague a command, he will just wait
at the start of the mission which is a pain. Generally you will be
playing Lang more in the title due to his heavy firepower, however
at certain points you will need to swap over to Graves to complete a
set objective.
The command system
of the title is rather straight forwarded and is quite easy to
master with the XBox 360 controls. The artificial intelligence of
the title is a little lapse and most gamers should have no problem
in defeating their foes. The title also allows you to take control
of various vehicles which seems a little forced and is not as
enjoyable as the Call of Duty series.
After you have
completed the 10 or so missions in the title, gamers can also play
against their friends in an interesting split screen co-operative
mode (it also supports XBox live) but at the end of the day,
Conflict: Denied Ops is actually a little uninspiring. It's not that
it's a bad game, it just offers very little to this already
overcrowded market.

Graphically, the
title feels dated when compared to titles such as Army of Two or
Kane & Lynch. The backgrounds are lacking the details of these two
other games which gives the feeling that it is a game created
several years ago.
The characters
however are well animated, although the textures a little lacking in
the detailed department. As mentioned before, although the chatter
between the two characters is entertaining, it contains way too many
clichés between these characters. Musically, Conflict: Denied Ops is
your stock standard military soundtrack with a healthy dose of
realistic sound effects.
In conclusion, Conflict: Denied Ops would have been a more enjoyable
experience if it had been released several years ago and this is
just your stock standard first person shooter with a touch of squad
based mechanics and graphics and sound that don't offer anything to
genre. There is also a basic deathmatch and team deatmatch
multiplayer games via XBox Live that you can play with up to 16
players, however the title may not warrant another gaming session.