Clive Barker's
Jericho follows an elite team of military parapsychologists as they
travel to the source of an ancient evil which threatens to overrun
the world. The Jericho Team venture in the Middle Eastern city of
Al-Khali that hides a covert archaeological dig and paranormal
research centre that is now in the middle of an inter-dimensional
rift. Although Clive Barker's Jericho is a first person shooter, it
incorporates squad based mechanics and the horror genre to venture
into this strange world of the paranormal, guns and amazing

The Jericho Team consists of seven unique individuals that are not
only trained in warfare but also the paranormal with each member a
particular expert in his or her field. This bizarre fields include
subjects such as clairvoyance and exorcism. The beauty of Jericho
is that the game is mixed blend of weaponry and powers because as
you progress through the game, your team must start relying on their
innate psychic abilities in order to defeat the hoards that have
overrun Al Khali. The story also has a healthy amount of scares
throughout the game but not quite on the same scale as F.E.A.R. or
the original Half Life title. Needless to say, the story
is still quite engaging and is not forced or clichéd with just the
right amount of thrills and chills.
The characters in Jericho are amazingly different than your more
standard shooters such as Halo 3 and Call of Duty as each has their own unique
abilities such as the Blood Mage or the awesome telekinetic sniper
who can guide his bullets. As with all good squad based games, the
gamer not only controls all the characters to an extent as the commander
but you have the ability to swap between members throughout the
title. Changing between team mates also allows you to select their
weapons and powers which makes for some interesting and quite
satisfying gameplay. This on the fly feature must be used quite a
bit throughout the storyline.
The AI of Jericho is quite decent and I must commend the developers
for allowing your squad to be quite useful during the game, unlike
other other squad based games that have your troops standing around.
For instance, your squad is quite apt at challenging enemies in the
game and they will even heal their teammates without prompting which
makes for an almost "human-like" experience. There were a
few instances where the AI and your squad members done some strange
things but on the hole, the AI is quite impressive.

Graphically, Clive Barker's Jericho is a strange and twisted game
with its bizarre influence from Clive Barker that with the
developers have created some hideous and creepy looking characters.
The character models are extremely detailed and feature some of the
nicest texture details on a first person shooter game that almost
make them life-like. Add in the majestic settings of the city Al
Khali that has been overrun by demonic forces and it's easy to get
drawn into this twisted universe. The special effects and lighting
effects are first class and in order to get the fears across to the
player, the game is rather dark which once again compliments the
The soundtrack of Jericho goes hand-in-hand with the graphics and
gameplay that suits the genre perfectly, match that with
professional voice acting and some extremely scary and strange sound
effects and you have a great sounding title. I must admit that the
musical score really helps in getting your adrenaline pumping and
sets the atmosphere of the game.

In conclusion, Clive Barker's Jericho is a decent first person
shooter with squad based mechanics and compliments this horror genre
perfectly. The gaming environments are extremely well designed as is
the storyline that is matched with great gameplay and a variety of
different characters that will captivate you from start to finish.
Definitely recommended to the first person shooter fan or for those
that love the horror genre. Be afraid... be very afraid!