Burnout Crash Review
Criterion games haven’t released a new game in about three years, fans
of the Burnout: Paradise may be a little disappointed with Burnout Crash
after announcing a new title. Burnout Crash is different to other
Burnout titles, focusing solely on what was previously a mini game, this
appropriately title addition to the series focuses solely on driving
flat out into intersections and cause as much carnage as possible.
premise for this is simple, drive into an intersection and cost people
money with the damage you can create. The offers a number of different
modes and a total of 18 different intersections, you unlock more by
earning stars, this is an addictive system and encourages players to
work to earn more stars.

play wise things couldn’t be easier, you drive a car into an
intersection and crash into other cars, the more damage you cause the
more your bonus goes up and allows you to make your car explode to
create chains. The game uses a top down view, much like GTA’s of
yesteryear providing an excellent view of the entire intersection.
There are also a range of bonuses scattered throughout each intersection
to also ramp up ratings. Game play wise everything works, it has a
perfect pick up and play style which is perfectly suited to XBLA.
graphics for this title are well suited to an arcade game, there is a
cartoony and slightly over-the-top style, it all works. There is
obviously nothing here that is going to push the xbox 360 but it doesn’t
have to, this is perfect the XBLA and helps to keep the costs down.
Despite the top down perspective the different vehicles are distinctive
and importantly the explosions fit in with the rest of the presentation.

is an annoying presenter doing voice over’s for Crash, but this is not
the sort of game that you will play for hours on end and shouldn’t
become too irritating. Other than that, again nothing that will push
the limits of sound, but for an arcade game everything, other than the
presenter is great.
Final Level
Overall this is what an XBLA game should be a fun and addictive pick up
and play game, if your favourite part of Burnout was the crash mode this
may definitely be worth a look, there is value for money here and a very
enjoyable game for a decent price. Worth a look if you are a fan of
explosions or looking for something to pass a bit of time every now and
again. |