Car games are a dime a dozen but every now
and then, a developer will challenge the current genre and this is where
the game Blur comes racing into the race. Although the game is a
competent and graphically impressive racer, where this game does stand
above the crowd
is with the inclusion of an almost Mad Max, Carmageddon and Mario Kart
type experience. Match that with state of
the art next gen console graphics and you have one thoroughly
addictive racer as you nitro, drift and blow you opponents to kingdom
come using realistic cars.

Speed plays a vital role in this game as you race a variety of vehicles
at high speeds in a plethora of fun overtop and interesting "real world"
settings. At its
core, Blur is a racing game but it’s a very competent racing game that
features a great control system on the 360 controller. However, the
destruction aspect of the game wasn’t just added as an afterthought and
works well in conjunction with the racing as you attempt to swerve from
landmines, gently perform a precision immobilisation technique (PIT) on
your opponent or fire missiles at someone giving you grief to drift on
by the finishing line. As you race around the track, apart from the
variety of weapons that can you can pick up, there are also shields,
nitro and repair power-ups to be found on the track.
The learning curve of the game is relatively low but to master the game,
it takes on a whole new racing experience and the best way to describe
it is like Mario Kart for adults. With a variety of different game
modes, Blur allows the player to race either as a solo experience or
against other opponents in multiplayer but for me, the single-player
campaign is where it stood tall.
With over 60 different events to
compete in that include traditional racers, checkpoints or my favourite,
a destruction mode, the game continually keeps giving something to the
player. This is great in terms of keeping you entrenched in the game
because you always want to play one more event to see what you’re up
against. Without spoiling the single-player campaign too much, the game
even boasts some boss matches along the way in this entertaining racer.
Racing on the other hand, allows
you to race against 19 other drivers, whereas Checkpoint is a speed
trial with no competitors and finally you have Destruction which is
basically a no holes barred experience. For those petrol heads, the game
even allows some fun customisation of your vehicles. Although it's
basic, it does give you some control in your vehicles.

As mentioned, weapons play a key competent in this game
and the game
contains quite a few different missiles,
landmines are laser beams which adds to the racing strategy... just
watch out for electricity. Thankfully the game is quite balanced when it comes to its weaponry and
nothing is too powerful and if you’re observant, many of them can be
outwitted. You just need to ensure that you pay attention to your rear
vision mirror to see what’s coming and whether you need to take a
defensive or offensive strategy. The control system is well mapped on
the 360 controller and is probably an arcade experience compared to
other racers.
Apart from weapons, the game contains mini-games
along the tracks or objectives that can also be completed while your
racing for additional bonuses such as drifting or eliminating one of
your fellow drivers in a particular way. These bonuses might be new mods
or cars for you to select. It’s these little challenges that are
littered throughout the game that make it such an enjoyable experience
because you’re always trying to outdo yourself. By successfully
mastering these challenges, you are awarded points that builds towards
your fan base. There are also rivals ones that can also be completed and
are as equally fun. Fans and rivals is a cool little twist to move the
genre from just stock standard racing.
Apart from the single-player game, Blur allows you to race with another
three people via 4-player split screen on one console or up to 20 people
online. The multiplayer online is very entertaining and allows you to
increase your rank and even offers the player new challenges and fans
that makes levelling up a very thoroughly enjoyable experience. We had
no problems with lag at all and the multiplayer aspect is almost as fun
as the single player. In terms of local multiplayer, it's a little
cramped and is probably the only aspect of the game that I didn't enjoy.

The gaming environments and level designs
are fairly impressive as you
race in a variety of “real-world” locations from LA to UK and even
Spain. Racing through the streets of Hackney in the UK was my favourite
part of the game and there are lots of jumps and shortcuts along the way
to find. Graphically, this game is eye candy from the highly detailed
car models to realistic lighting effects but for me, it's the high speed
crashes! Nika Futterman is the commentator
behind the game and sounds almost electrical at times who helps with
this over the top experience of the entire game.
In conclusion, don't let Blur whizz past
you because it truly challenges the current market and proves that kart
games can also be made for adults. With elements of Mario Kart, Project
Gotham Racing and even Carmageddon, Blur is the racing game that keeps
on giving, whether single-player or multiplayer. With a variety of cars,
powerups, weapons and locales, there's very little to complain about
this title! |