The ultimate agent gets another game with mixed results.
Unfortunately, the results are more towards the low end of the
results pool. An international incident can well put a bio-chemical
project into the wrong hands. It is up to Her Majesty’s Secret
Service number one man, James Bond to unravel the mystery, identify
the players and stop the plot. All in the promise of some of that
over the top mind blowing James Bond action so many fans love.

This third person action shooter being a Bond game heads off in true
Bond fashion on a globe encompassing adventure. The action takes
place on land, sea and air and goes to remarkably cool locations
such as Istanbul, Bangkok, and Athens.
It has all the makings of a great Bond adventure, the formula is in
place including the opening teaser and spectacular boat chase with
explosions and gunfire. The game has so much potential and has some
Bond moments but for some reason things just do not seem to mesh.
Unpolished smacks the player in the face from the cut scenes that
seem to have a problem in the voice to lip sync part.
It is not a bad game, it is just that it never really plumbs the
depths of being an in depth game. Developer Bizarre Creations and
publisher Activition bring us a third person Bond adventure that
makes use of a cover system during gun battles, as well as a kind of
focus shot ability that feels a bit out of place for some reason. It
is of course our hero Bond, blocking out all distraction and
shooting with pinpoint accuracy at his target. In addition, a rather
impressive hand-to-hand combat system that flows seamlessly from gun
battle to hand-to-hand mayhem, often brutal and to the point if
there is any more Bond adventures the designers would do well to
keep this system.

Vehicle Chases are nail biting high-speed action with plenty of
crashes and explosions. There are times that the action is so
fraught with elements of explosion and debris that it can be hard to
see where you are going or intended to go. The danger is high and
drop offs over cliffs or into the water is unforgiving and will
force the player to repeat the start of the chase sequence all over
again. There where plenty of times that frustration mounted and I
almost did not want to bother seeing the game through, after all,
who needs the frustration? Action, adventure and some challenge yes,
but no hint of what you are doing wrong. The vehicle physics at
times caused a spin out and a mad rush to drive backwards and spin
the car around again. This maneuvering is highly satisfying, but
often in the chase, time is of the essence, loose site for too long
and the level starts over stating that they got away. Over all the
car chases are some of the best parts of the game.
Gee, wiz world of Bond Gadgets, again thankfully the designers did
not put things too over the top into fantasy sci fi. A kind of smart
phone can pin point enemies around you, and assist in knowing what
direction to go. This gaming aid actually is a welcome thing.
The designers placed it firmly within the James Bond universe and
there for it is not intrusive and does not wrench a player from the
game. It feels like it belongs.
Thankfully, the game cuts from the cloth of the rebooted Bond, the
grittier closer to Ian Flemings’ no nonsense man of action. Once
again, like the rebooted film using the likeness of Daniel Craig.
Therefore, there is plenty of action and none of the campiness that
started to plague bond back in the 80’s.
The hand-to-hand takedowns are brutal. The mad action of some levels
keeps the adrenalin up just enough with the hints of pending danger
and death to make it an endearing romp in the world of a James Bond
adventure. The movements remind me so much of the latest Bond films
and with good reason. The game creators got Ben Cooke, who is Daniel
Craig's stunt double in the films, to provide the motion capture for
Bond’s digital animations.

The multiplayer battles are the standard faire and do not inspire…
one of those, oh I have to play this multiplayer. Though like most
multiplayer games if you can manage to get a team that actually
works together, strategy and goals are more fun in the end. It is up
to 16 player multiplayer madness with spies vs. mercenaries.
Single player is incredibly short; for what it’s worth, it is not a
bad ride. The end of the game does leave a lot open and hints at the
continuing of the story. It would be indeed a shame to leave things
hanging. Here is hoping Bond will return, and with a bit more
levels, with just a hint more polish to some of the presentation,
graphics and voice to cut scene synchronization… we may well have a
complete package.
No Mr. Bond, we do not want you to talk, we want more levels. We
hope to see Bond Return to complete the story because it is clear it
is not finished.
Bloodstone: 007 will draw more of the James Bond fans. Gamers
looking for something different may not be as impressed, though
those that give the game a chance may well find a game sprinkled
with a few gaming relished moments, far and between as they are.
Have fun play games
Edwin Millheim
United States Editor
Impulse Gamer