Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
To the frontline
soldier! Modern Combat see us filling the boots of various soldiers in
this popular series, now coming to a 360 near you. Battlefield has
always been a popular game, so it was cool to see it coming to a next
gen console for gamers to take advantage of the extra grunt that a
machine like the 360 can provide.
Being dropped into Kazakhstan to help in a conflict
between the UN and other parties will see you get into game mode quickly
enough. Whilst in this game the storyline doesn’t really matter, the
focus is on the action, there is a slight undercurrent of a tale but
mainly to give you a reason for where you are and what you are doing. I
found it simple enough to just get in there and start shooting.
Something not afforded PC gamers is the XBox 360s
gamerscore system, that awards you medals for your character when you
play the game either online or offline, allowing you to build up a lot
of experience for when you play against human combatants online. The
missions throughout the game are varied, taking you to a large range of
locals as well with mission design nicely implemented to keep you busy.
Graphically the title is a sweet looking beast with
some hi res textures that should make you very glad that you bought the
360. Effects in the game allow you to really feel as though you are part
of the action and are an improvement (naturally) from what you might
have experienced with either the PS2 or first XBox.
As much fun, and as varied as the game is in single
player mode, multiplayer is where this bad boy really comes to life.
Connections on Live have thus far been good and most servers seem to be
holding up really well which is great. The game really shines online and
fans of the series are most likely going to be happiest when playing
online. The only downside to the online experience is when you are
trying to hide, a nasty red dot hovers over your head to anyone within
visual distance, so campers beware!
A feature that I liked in the game was the ability to
hot swap your characters which makes sure that you can really take
advantage of your team all the way through the game. By swapping into
other computer controlled players through the game, you can make sure
that decisions are made that you wouldn’t trust the computer controlled
team mates to make.
Don’t rely on your team mates too much in this game
as you will find that often they are waiting for you to take the lead.
Often slow, the AI lets them progress as you do which means that if
anyone triggers an attack it will be you at the front that cops it. Once
firefights are underway however, your team works pretty well, providing
you are showing initiative and leadership.
Ultimately Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is a title
that should please most gamers, especially those who have never played
it on PC before. Great visuals and the hotswapping ability combined with
battles on foot with multiple weapons and commandeering vehicles makes
for a fast paced experience. The large mission count in the single
player game, along with the online game mean that you are going to be
enjoying this one for quite some time.