The life if Ezio
is still full of adventure, intrigue and danger. The Master
Assassin is back in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. The
ongoing struggle against the Templar order brings us to Rome
itself. The very centre of corruption, greed and power plays,
Ezio strikes at the very centre of the enemy. While playing long
stretches of the game can get to be a repetitive affair,
thankfully what made the other games in the series come alive is
back and slightly enhanced. This time around, Ezio does not have
to face the enemy alone or with the occasional allies. No, this
time Ezio commands an entire Brotherhood of Assassins. Coolness

The cash cow that is the Assassin’s Creed series is thundering
along just fine. While I really do love the series, I was
concerned it would be nothing but regurgitation of Assassin’s
Creed II. . Almost as if this was meant to be a Downloadable
content and then it was decided, hey, we have enough here to
just make an all-new game. Let’s go ahead and tweak it a bit and
throw in a little of this and a little of that and oh yea some
thing that will make multiplayer gaming get that paranoiac
feeling that someone is out to get you….and ta- da…. you have
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood.

Nothing can be farther from the truth, Assassins Creed:
Brotherhood is another power house in the game series. The
continuing story of Ezio is an interesting affair. It brings us
another layer of story telling to a character that is a bit more
complex than just revenge. Happily, it is yet another
spectacular addition to the series, and oh, so much more than
what a DLC would have been. Bouncing back and forth between the
memories and the here and now, keeps things fresh. Desmond Miles
gets to get some of his acrobatic and climbing skills on and it
is a blast. Even with some of the animations being extremely
So ok, here are some of those tweaks. Ezio has the ability to
become a land developer so to speak… and community
revitalization entrepreneur. (I am being sarcastic here but in a
good way.) Rome is full of abandoned and run down shops and
buildings. The player can purchase them, such as tunnel systems,
which in turn can assist in getting around the city faster.
Purchase stores and or banks to assist in bolstering the
characters money flow.

Rome itself seems so grand; making your explorations around Rome
a grand tour... the rooftops, tunnel systems, and some cool
pulley systems to get to the top of buildings faster makes
things all the more fun. The city is alive and is a full-blown
character here. Just as past adventures, the city has its
populace to help or hinder you. From prostitutes, beggars and
various others…the city while generic at times with some of the
same types of characters in an area, still feels alive. Even
with the adventure staying only in the City of Rome, you never
feel short changed, Rome is vast and lots to explore.
The game play is familiar ground and if you have played the
others in the series at all, you will be right at home in the
control layouts. Fighting seems in some respects easier
concerning button presses. The enemy AI though does make things
a bit harder and will attack together as appropriate when they
see an opening. The game play coupled with the spectacular cut
scenes that relay the story, along with the diverse interesting
cast of characters makes this another solid venture for UbiSoft.
The voice acting here is again stellar; bringing an engrossing
story and making you want to continue just to find out what
happens next. For players that have not played the Second in the
series, they may have a bit of a hard time catching up to what
is going on in the story. …though the game designers have done a
pretty good job at showing some flash backs to the story line to
explain a bit about some of the events that have led up to this
point in time and this new adventure.
In addition, what I found rather fun was recruiting other
Assassins and sending them out on missions. As you send them on
different missions, their skill levels rise and they become
deadlier tools of the trade. Going on missions the NPC character
does also have a chance at being killed. You never see those
missions, but you see the results in a game of numbers. When you
need your trained killers though, a simple command brings them
in for the kill.

Combat seems allot smoother, with stringing attacks together
easier now. Some of the takedowns even seem more brutal and no
pun intended, to the point but with style. Using the machine
known as the Animus, the player can take on virtual challenges
that can earn them more experience and skill for the character.
Some of the minor issues that crop up such as character pop in
and guards that spot you from far away but then cannot seem to
see you when your right in front of them cause you to scratch
your head in wonder and play on. Any flaws in this Diamond are
not enough to be a game breaker but AI quarks do keep you on
your toes.
Some of the ace things added for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
is in multiplayer. Wanted and Advanced Wanted are death matches
that are every one for themselves. Taking out an assigned target
gives you points and even more points for doing it with stealth.
The real trick of the game is to blend in and strike when it is
least expected. Manhunt is for the most part team based death
match, with players in two teams of three to four. Each team
hunts the other. Out of any of the multi player modes, Alliance
seems to depend on teamwork the most. There are three teams of
two players each. Teams are the hunter of one team and the prey
for the other team. Captivating and some real nail biters as you
try your best not to stand out and let the opposition know you
are the target….while you are trying to manoeuvre and find your

Multiplayer here can be done with everyone running around in a
free for all and of course, level of maturity of the player
often dictates that. When you get a group of players going by
the spirit of the game, the experience is claustrophobic,
paranoid and just spectacular.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood some great gaming.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim