Ninety-Nine (99) Nights
Konami are one of those developers that
have managed to maintain a very Japanese feel with a lot of their
titles, 99 Nights II (Ninety-Nine Nights II) is no different. 99 Nights
II is a massive hack ‘n’ slash game where you, an apparent super soldier
run around the battlefield slaying thousands upon thousands of rival
armies, much in the same way to Dynasty Warriors. The formula is
simple, there is a lot that can go wrong with a game of this type, and
99 Nights II hits the mark with some aspects but unfortunately also has
a few misses.
Firstly the story was a bit of a miss with me, it may appeal to some out
there but I found it nothing more than an excuse to fights thousands of
enemies. The story revolves around the Lord of the Night terrorising
the nations, and there is just one land left, Orphea to the North. This
is where you come in. I don’t want to give too much away but the story
is more or less an excuse to fight massive waves of enemies.

You are by far the most powerful on the battlefield.
title only really has the one mode, a story mode; this is where you get
to follow the stories of five different warriors, each with slightly
different fighting styles but ultimately don’t feel much different to
play from one another. For those that really enjoy the story it will
add a lot of depth to the world to have the events unfold from different
perspectives. Each character can be developed individually and earn
their own experience points so you will not have shared experience and
find some characters falling behind the others. There is a huge amount
of value in this title for those who love the genre, each of the five
characters has seven missions each lasting approximately 45 minutes to
an hour, and each can be upgraded and has their own individual and
intertwining story. There really is as much or as little game as each
player wants.
Fortunately the game play works well in 99 Nights II, it is simplistic
enough that anyone can pick it up but there is also a level of
complexity for those who want to spend a lot of time playing the game.
There is the typical quick and weaker attack, and then a slower and more
powerful attack, nothing new here. These can be combined in any number
of fluent combos that will help players in getting to that 3000 hit
combo that is not as rare as it should be. There are a number of spells
that can also be used to aid in the larger battles, each character can
have up to four of these and are linked to a face button when you hold
the left bumper, and this system was easy to use. There are helpful
icons on the HUD to let you know when these are charged. There is also
an orb power gauge that has several stages and grants invincibility and
more powerful strikes for a brief amount of time, much like was
available in Dynasty Warriors.

There are some nice pre-rendered
FMV sequences
are some frustrations related to playing 99 Nights II, mainly the
massive distances between saves and the lack of health potions. These
two factors can lead to some very frustrating moments, you can be
running around for a long time with minimal health praying that you
don’t die; otherwise you can be sent back upwards of 20 minutes of game
play. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if it happens a
couple of times in the same spot. This becomes especially annoying
given the fact that if you decide to stop playing half way through a
mission there is absolutely no way to save, this wouldn’t be a problem
if the missions didn’t take at least 40 minutes, and even longer in the
later stages. I found myself not playing this a few times simply due to
the time commitment that was involved; this is most evident in the later
stages where you are likely to die at least once. The missions can be
pretty repetitive, it involves you destroying seals to unlock a door
which generally takes you to a boss, this is the basic formula for every
Another incredibly frustrating aspect of 99 Nights II is the,
fortunately brief platforming sections. These are incredibly
infuriating as it is very hard to judge distances and when to jump,
these parts don’t appear often and are very brief but when they do
appear will halt progress with infuriating missed jumps. Boss fights in
99 Nights II are also not very good, they feature at the conclusion of
every level, they can be very frustrating and fall into the trap of
using the same combo over and over until the health depletes, or
spending lots of time waiting for a time when you can attack them again.
It is
very evident that this game has its roots firmly in Japan, the
difficulty on anything other than the easiest setting is anything other
than forgiving, it wouldn’t be such a problem if it weren’t for the lack
of saves. I found myself playing on the easier setting just to avoid
the frustrations involved in dying on this game. The easy setting
definitely allows for a much more casual gamer to enjoy this, but I fear
that the lengthy missions may turn them away. For the more serious
gamer the increased difficulty settings certainly provide a good

Bosses can be downright
title also features some very minor and simplistic RPG levelling,
players are able to purchase skills, upgrade the characters and
weapons. It is a simple system that fits the style of game perfectly;
an overly complex system may have put many hack ‘n’ slash gamers off a
little bit, and most likely made the whole thing a little too
Everything is 99 Nights has a pretty outdated look to it for a new
release title, the character models are very plain, you do get to cut
them in half which is nice. One saving grace of this title is the sheer
volume of enemies that appear on screen at any one time and I did not
come across any drops in frame rate at all during play time, which is
rare and is an ideal substitute for more detailed character models. The
environments feature the same texture throughout the entire levels, this
can cause some problems navigating the map, fortunately this has been
countered by having a small may on the HUD for navigation.

There are a number of different
characters to choose from.
sound for 99 Nights II is pretty unremarkable, there are basic hack ‘n’
slash sounds with an average soundtrack playing in the background. It
is a bit disappointing that more effort wasn’t put into the soundtrack,
when you are running around an epic battle for at least an hour at a
time some more dramatic music would have made a pretty big difference.
At the end of the day though, it is the game play that will draw players
to this title.
those out there that miss battling against waves and waves of samey
enemies just like you use to be able to in Dynasty Warriors, this may be
the perfect alternative. There is a huge amount of value here for those
that want it and game play that just works. Chances are you already
know if this sort of game appeals to you or not, for those that miss
this genre of game, this is an excellent choice, offering highly
variable levels of difficulty and a level of complexity for those that
go searching for it. There are some frustrations that come along with
this title, as mentioned earlier but overall the positives of 99 Nights
II will outweigh these for the gamer who enjoys this sub-genre, for
others it may just be too much for them to overlook. |