Design 7.5
Usability 8.5
Installation   N/A
Value 7.0
Distributor: Nyko
Review Date:
Jan 2008
Edwin & Shael Millheim


Nyko Multi Card Reader
XBox 360


The name of the game is getting the most out of any of your original purchases. Thankfully there are companies out there that make extra product to expand the use of such things as the Xbox 360. In this case it is the Nyko Multi Reader for the Xbox 360.

The multi reader is a multi-media hub designed for the Xbox 360. It's a 3 port USB hub that plugs into the front of the Xbox 360 allowing up to four wired controllers to be connected at once. It does not stop there, the USB ports can also be used to attach multiple devices simultaneously such as USB Flash Drives, iPods, MP3 Players, PSP and more. Yup GASP, the PSP!  Yes my dad hooked his Sony PSP to our Microsoft Xbox 360 and browsed the memory card contents and watched a PSP video on our High Def TV using the Multi Card Reader as the hub between the two units.

The Multi Reader 360 feature 4 media card reader slots supporting the most common formats: Compact Flash, Sony Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, Secure Digital and Smart Media.  This little unit makes it possible to do a whole lot from one hub, pretty nifty.

The multi Reader was designed to be used with the Xbox 360, but it does work on a PC as well. Though I did get some error messages when hooking it up to a PC, I did manage to read a memory card full of pictures. Of course it works best for what it was designed to do, Hooked up to the Xbox 360.  So browsing the memory card for movies, pictures and music that you may have stored on a memory stick is a breeze.

The Nyko Multi Card Reader draws its power from the Xbox 360 by way of the USB cable, so no batteries required making things pretty darn easy to use and very convenient.

While not something that is an essential bit of equipment, it is a nice bit of inexpensive technology to expand the use of your Xbox 360 without having to hook a camera or other item to it, just use the card reader to read the memory card itself.  It's got a slim and sexy design that is very pleasing to the eye, so having this hanging around your 360 does not create an eyesore.

Sit back, relax, let's play
Shael Millheim