2K and Gearbox Unveil New Battleborn Incursion Mode Details
Today, 2K and Gearbox Software revealed all-new details on Battleborn’s Incursion Mode. This strategic competitive multiplayer mode drops the player in the middle of a war zone with a simple objective: Driving minions into enemy territory to find and destroy their two Sentry Bots. Meanwhile, the other team is aiming to do the same exact thing, so the game quickly becomes a balancing act of defending territory and escorting waves of minions on the assault.
The path to victory is paved with opportunities for strategic players to take advantage of their environment, such as recruiting powerful Thrall mercenaries to fight for your team, or using Shards to activate buildable tactical structures, including Automatic Turrets to attack the enemy, or Healing Stations which regenerate health over time for the team that activates them. Team composition is also critical, and although offensive attackers are important, a good support or healer can be vital to keeping teammates in the fight for the last star in the universe.
You can read a lot more about Battleborn’s Incursion mode, including useful tactics for competitive play, on the Battleborn blog: https://battleborn.com/en/news/view/en-learn-all-about-battleborns-incursion-mode/
Battleborn launches with a roster of 25 playable heroes on PS4, Xbox One and PC on May 3, 2016.