Summary: An dark and menacing tale.
The hunt begins!
Where did everyone go? Dan, Christine and Bobby are stranded in a strange town and nobody wants to help. Things quickly go from bad to worse, as a sinister group of hooded figures descend on this family. The odds are stacked against them, and time is quickly running out. Will they get out alive?
This issue begins where the previous one finished, with Dan, Christine and Bobby stranded and looking for help in a strange and deserted town. After having their Winnebago stolen, encountering hostile carnies and being forced to walk to town, all they want to do is find the local police station to report the theft. After walking the deserted streets, they finally find the police station, however, it’s closed and no one is answering the door. Frustrated and tired, Dan begins to bang on the door, hoping for someone to appear, so that they may get some much needed help. A shady looking officer approaches them, nonchalantly asking if they need any help. For the moment, it appears like their luck is turning, as they quickly file a report, then decide to head to the local motel to try and get some much-needed rest. However, rest will be the last thing this family gets, as a group of hooded figures approach the motel. An ominous sign of things to come. The hunt begins!
From the moment their Winnebago was stolen, things have progressively gotten worse for this family. Steve Niles has clearly established the ominous tone, laying the foundations for a haunting and thrilling narrative. I enjoyed the pacing of this issue, and found that it really helped to heighten the lurking sense of unease and foreboding. We know something bad is about to happen, but the tension created from the build-up leading to this, is flawless and will have you holding your breath. I’m worried for this family, as we’ve seen what these cultists are capable of, and the bloodthirsty rituals they partake in. Their lives depend on the darkness of the night and hiding in the shadows, because if they are caught, we can only imagine what they have in store them. Outwitting these locals is going to be tough, as they are on strange turf, and these cultists have the home advantage. I also feel that Niles does a great job at making us feel for this family. I understand the protective nature these parents have towards their son, and how during all of this nightmare that they are trying to stay positive for him. I’m also incredibly intrigued by this cult and its followers. Who are they? And, who are they worshiping? My appetite has been whetted and I want to know and see more. Also, there is an interesting development in the end of this issue, and it had me excited to see how it’s going to unfold.
Alison Sampson’s art is haunting and beautiful. In this issue, there is minimal dialogue, with the story relying heavily on Sampson’s eye-catching and detailed illustrations. Each panel flows seamlessly into the next, creating a strong sense of fluid storytelling, that is easy to interpret and understand. Her incredibly striking visuals translate this gripping story perfectly, with tormented expressions, haunting landscapes and expressive linework. I also found that she used some interesting perspectives, framing scenes with curious angles and slight distortions, that messed with my senses, heightening that feeling of anxiety and unease. I found this to be a very clever visual tool that worked really well in this story. The colouring, by Stephane Paitreau, is equally as striking as the art. The colour palette is dark and moody, with a wonderful sense of light and reflection. We see deep reds and orange tones, creating warm hazes around lights and fires, with dark purples and blues contrasting this nicely. It all comes together to create a sinister and menacing ambience.
Things are looking grim for this small family, as they desperately try and find a way out of this town and away from these mysterious hooded figures. I really enjoy the unexpected developments that keep popping up in this story, reminding me that this isn’t your typical creepy cult. These guys are bad news, and I like it! I’m looking forward to third issue and seeing how these events will unfold for this scared and vulnerable family.
I’m giving this issue 5 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Steve Niles, Alison Sampson, Stephan Paitreau, Jordie Bellaire and Aditya Bidikar
PUBLISHER: Image Comics
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard