King’s Quest
III: To Heir is Human Redux is a remake of the original
single-player role playing game King’s Quest III: To Heir is
Human, made by AGD Interactive. This remake follows the original
1986 version of the game very closely, with only small changes
here and there. This is the third remake of King’s Quest III and
the graphics have taken it up and slight notch. While the second
remake had improved graphics from the original, King’s Quest III
Redux now has even better graphics and talented voice acting for
each character, animals, and the ever present narrator. The
Narrator explains everything you do and see, allowing for laughs
along the way. The Narrator brings a lighter mood to this dark
sad story and says some pretty comical things.

The story starts in an old house upon a mountain owned by the
evil wizard Manannan. You are Gwydion, the servant boy to the
wizard, who has owned you since you were an infant. You cook,
clean, and work for Manannan while he is a home, but when he
leaves or lays down for a rest, it’s your chance to see the
world. Gwydion’s rising curiosity leads him to make his first
steps off the mountain and explore the land of Llewdor. You will
explore vibrant scenes that allow you to interact with
everything. You also will find many treasures and items during
your time exploring Llewdor, which you will need later in
the game to escape the evil grasps of Manannan. There are 210
items to be explored and uncovered in this search and find role
playing game. In order to locate all of these items, you must
search high and low, and use your brain, making sure to check
everything you see and more. The options in this game are
seemingly endless, every little item, blip on the screen, or
bird in the sky, can be clicked on to interact in many different

You will use many tools in your travels including boots, the eye
tool, the hand tool, and any item you pick up to interact with
your environment. After a while trying every combination of
interaction tools on everything you can in a scene, it tends to
get somewhat tedious, but the challenge in itself of beating
this game will drive you forward. Even though the game is a
simple styled game in graphics and interface, it lacks nothing
in content and game play time. You can spend hours and hours
searching ever deep dark hole in Llewdor, and come back with
pockets full of new things that you must hide from watchful eye
of Manannan. Be sure to never have your special items on your,
because Manannan’s temper runs hotter than the sun. If you are
caught with anything other than basic house hold item you use
for your chores, he will kill you on the spot.
Another great thing this game has going for it, is the intricate
spellweaving. The spell book had many spells, and specific
instructions to build each spell. Each spell must be done in the
exact order of events with the exact ingredient to be
successful. The spell incantations are done well, rhyming at the
right parts while doing well to not sound corny or childish.
This gave the spell weaving a very real sense magic, that helps
immerse you in the fantasy world and entangle you in the
story.Eventually you find out your time is ticking and the
wizard has plans to kill you on your 18th birthday. Before then
you must uncover all the mysteries in and outside of the house
will keeping Mannanan in the dark and making sure he always has
a full belly. You find out through an old journal that you
weren’t the first servant to work for Manannan, and will not be
the last… unless you have anything to say about it. But the
story doesn’t stop there, there are many other plot twists to
uncover and explore.

If you can get past the tediousness and the old school styled
graphics, there is only one hurdle to clear before you’re hooked
on this game. Every little thing you do is watched by Manannan
unless he is on a journey or asleep, so you have to walk on thin
ice. He can teleport in at any given time while he is at home,
and will kill you on sight for having your items on you, being
in the wrong room, feeding him too late, being outside the
house, etc. so you get the point. It can be really exhausting to
have to reload the game over and over because Manannan is
grumpy. On a good note, you can save at any point in the game
and have as many saves as you need. It takes less than 2 seconds
to reload, so as long as you save often and stay on your best
behaviour, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you.

King’s Quest
III: Redux can be difficult at times if you have never played
the two previous versions of the game, because it gives you no
direction or path to follow. Everything you do you must figure
out for yourself, and it’s not made easy for you. You must find
ways to feed Manannan once you run out of the food items your
given in the beginning or you’ll be turned into dust.In the end
this game is a true challenge for only the masters of role
playing games. It drops you straight into the fantasy world of
wizards and magic, and puts you at the start of an epic journey
that only you, Gwydion, can finish. King’s Quest III: To Heir is
Human Redux is a charming blend of well done voice overs,
classic styled graphics and a story that will keep on giving.
Check it out here:
Game hard, play
Hayley Clements
Impulse Gamer
United States Team Writer