It's unknown if this new down loadable content is to appease the
hordes slobbering teeth gnashing upset persons. You know the ones
that felt a boycott of some sort was appropriate because not even a
year later A left 4 Dead 2 is coming (Well not even a month away
now). Feeling more down loadable content was needed for the first
one... whether or not it was planned all along, or it's a clever
marketing maneuver...the new campaign for Left 4 Dead is here. It's
called “Crash Course” and is only two levels long, but what a two
levels they are.

Masterful design in levels combining dread, surprises, humor and out
and out suspense spiraling into a crescendo of horror as the hordes
attack. I am a firm believer in not telling so much about a level
that it takes away from the players experience. So doing a review is
always a balancing act of sorts.
Now rumor has it there is more down loadable content coming for the
first Left 4 Dead and I hope that is so, it would be a wonderful
thing indeed. So keep a watchful eye out for more after “Crash

“Crash Course” small campaign that it is, is extremely satisfying,
gibing hints of some new visuals and design elements to come for the
series. Check out some of our in game screen shots we took for the
gore filled visuals. Poor victims, torn in half, perhaps in the
middle of a feeding frenzy, or it's an infected that got run over by
a car from an escaping survivor.
Some may feel a bit disappointed at first, as you may think, oh
great more of the same levels...streets and ware houses... not to
worry fellow Impulse Gamers. My wife Donna would give the new levels
a 10 on the finger nail biting meeter.

The well designed levels offer a funnel effect in some areas, so
going around over and through areas gives that old sense of
dread...what can be lurking around the corner? Some times
nothing...sometimes thanks to the AI director, you feel like Han
Solo in that one scene from Star Wars...walking around the corner
into a Mass of undead who notice you at the same time you notice
them. Holy Crap! I kid you not. There are more weapon pickups and
even a plentiful supply of gas cans and propane tanks, and they are
well needed. Used with a bit of skill, some of the horde rushes re
very manageable.
There are some tried and true elements also, get to one point in the
level and hit a switch, perform an action that causes the hordes to
home in on you like rotting flesh eating missiles! Trust me, for an
even more tense experience, play it at the highest difficulty level.

It's odd to rate an add on, down loadable content for an established
game, though none the less here we are. Left 4 Dead maintains it's
solid 10 all around.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim
Impulse Gamer