

Published on January 9th, 2019 | by Tory Favro

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom PS4 Review

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom PS4 Review Tory Favro

Summary: A delightful platforming game for the PS4!


Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is one of those titles that at first glance (at least to me) looks as though it will not offer much, however there is a depth of gaming in this title that will make it a lot of fun to anyone regardless of their tastes. Unless you dislike platform titles in which case I can’t offer you much here.

One of the first things that you will notice is that the title is really easy to get into. The basic premise of the story is that your uncle is going nuts and getting about using magic to mess things up. It’s up to you to get into the thick of it and stop good old uncle before he gets up to even more mischief.

I loved the graphics style of Monster Boy. It is beautiful and bright and looks cartoonish in style. For some reason the actual style of play reminds me of a game from my younger years called Ghosts and Goblins. The general style reminds me of that game, though Monster Boy has a lot more advancements that really flesh out the title and make it really good fun.

There are a number of ways that you can progress through the game and for those who are completionists will take full advantage of this to fully explore the game. Through the title Monster Boy can equip himself with different items that will allow you to access different parts of the game or take on more powerful enemies. For example in the early stages of the game you can equip heavier boots to walk the ocean floors and find the treasure that abounds.

Monster Boy who also goes by the name of Jin takes on different animal incarnations through the game and gains powers accordingly. The graphics are bright and utterly gorgeous to play with. Every moment you are in the game is a feel good time and well thought out with roughly 25-30 hours of playtime if you are like me and scrounge around for everything you can get your hands on.

I really appreciate the work that has gone into this game. It is truly fun and take me back to a time when that was the primary focus of any decent game. To bring fun back to gaming again in the face of so many AAA titles that are hard hitting and so serious.

The control system for Monster Boy is easy to pick up and run with. The controls are extremely basic and designed for players to get in and have a ball immediately. The audio in the game is upbeat and gives the game an added depth and truly a sense of adventure. The music is both retro and contemporary all at the same time. It’s truly delightful.

Considering there are not many platforming games on the PS4, this is a wonderful title that is worth picking up. If you haven’t played Wonder Boy, that is another title worth getting into and Monster Boy is a brilliant successor to it. Old school fun is back!


Tory Favro

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