Summary: Things get heated, as a new villain is in town.
Here comes trouble!
There is a new villain in town and he has his sights set on Patience.
This issue begins with an introduction of Violencia, the new super hectic, super violent, super badass, super villain. We learn what kind of twisted character he is, what motivates him and who he works for. Under the employment of Hoops Lucero and incredibly loyal to him, Violencia will stop at nothing to get revenge on those who wrong him or his boss. After serving time in prison for killing an underworld figure, Violencia escapes after getting bored of his dull surroundings. To celebrate his imminent arrival, Hoops has decided to host a welcome home party for him.
The story then jumps back to our leading lady who is out shopping with her family. After an unsavoury encounter with some delinquents, Patience heads home and becomes reflective on the state of her town. This pensive mood prompts her to decide that it’s time to head out on another raid, this time targeting a local money laundering operation. Later that night she dons the green and yellow spandex once again, making her way to her chosen destination. What she didn’t anticipate is that the warehouse she is heading to has also been selected for Violencia’s welcome home party…a party she is about to crash!
Every good story has a good villain, and it looks like Violencia is just the kind of messed up and twisted character we’ve come to expect from a Kick-Ass story. Move over Patience, there is no place for a hero in this town. Unhinged, dangerous and incredibly violent – as the name suggests – Violencia seems to genuinely take pleasure in screwing up his enemies. Mark Millar has a knack of crafting some pretty spectacular villains, who I find more often than not, seem to be my favourite characters, so I’m hoping that Violencia continues to entertain, surprise and disgust us in the future.
I also found that the introduction of Violencia has shifted the dynamic of the story, as Patience comes crashing down from her run of good luck. The tension has been amplified as we see a dramatic shift in her attitude as panic begins to set in. The fissures in Patience’s ego are beginning to show, as she starts to doubt what she is doing for the first time. This for me makes for some compelling reading, as we begin to understand the inner turmoil and conflict that she is experiencing.
John Romita Jr’s art is ace as usual. Violencia is one nasty-looking bastard, with strange facial tats, copious piercings, one completely black eye and a goatee…ahh yes, a goatee. One mention of a goatee and I immediately find the guy repellent, which is great because he’s meant to be. There were also some really lovely moments between Patience and her son, filled with tender loving glances that only a gushing mother could have. It was heart-warming to see and I felt like he captured the emotional tone of this quiet and subtle scene perfectly. The colouring by Peter Steigerwald works well alongside the art by reinforcing the tonal shifts of the narrative. I quite liked how during some of the more intense scenes we see the pages pop with colour in an eye-catching way.
Overall, I loved this issue of Kick-Ass and its dramatic and exciting developments. We are introduced to a new villain who is the apex predator of this town. I’m really looking forward to the next issue, as I’m curious to see how Patience will get out of this new pickle she has found herself in.
I’m giving this issue 5 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Mark Millar, John Romita Jr, Peter Steigerwald and John Workman
PUBLISHER: Image Comics
PUBLICATION DATE: April 18, 2018
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard