F1 2013 PS3 Review
Summary: The developers of F1 2013 should be commended on the amount of realism they have incorporated into this racing simulator. With a variety of different gaming modes, detailed graphics and gameplay that is almost flawless.
Title: F1 2013
Format: PS3
Available: Now
Reviewer: Kyle Sudukis
Rating: G
It’s that time of the year again and Codemasters have released their latest instalment to their F1 series that uses the amazing EGO Engine. With a sturdy race engine, F1 2013 boasts all 22 drivers from the various teams of the current championship year which makes this the most realistic F1 racing simulator to date.
F1 2013 can also be played by a variety of different skill levels for gamers and more so for those seasoned racing veterans as this game offers a very in-depth gaming engine that allows us mere mortals to become involved in this spectacular racing sport. If you do crash, you can “rewind” the game which is a handy feature to have while you’re learning the controls and more importantly the tracks themselves. In terms of realism, even the penalties are included in this title such as cutting corners or illegal overtaking, it’s all included in F1 2013 so yes, this game has ALL the bells and whistles!
At its core, F1 2013 is a true racing simulator, especially for those gamers that want to get as close as humanly possible to driving a real F1 car. With a variety of different difficulty levels, tweaking of cars, F1 2013 has a high learning curve but if you put the work into the game, especially by mastering the controls and the memorising the various turns on the tracks, the game is extremely rewarding. In terms of controls, the game works perfectly on a PS3 DualShock Controller, however where it shines is via a wheel. Playing this game with a wheel is almost like driving a real car and really adds an additional layer of responsiveness to your gameplay.
With a handful of different gameplay modes from quick races to an entire season, there’s plenty to be found in this game, especially the new Classic Mode. In classic, this allows the gamer to race cars from an earlier time (the 80’s) which is definitely quite different than the high speed cars of today and are harder to control. The new Classic Mode which includes 10 Legendary F1 Drivers, 5 Iconic F1 Cars and 2 Classic F1 Circuits really increases the longevity of the title, especially with the option of picking the classic drivers.
However where the game does shine is through the career mode which allows you to start your career as a F1 driver from the beginning and work your way (hopefully) to the top. Add in time trials and even the ability to recreate scenarios from classic Formula One moments and F1 2013 fosters a very comprehensive set of gaming modes. Players can also take the game online and unlike the AI controlled drivers, real players definitely up the ante of the game which does require a slight change in strategy. All in all, the 2013 incarnation of this game is one of the best to date.
Graphically, the game looks and feels like a Formula One game from the detail of the cars, the decals on the cars and even the pit crew. The tracks are identical to the real-world tracks and players have options of a plethora of different views, all dependent on personal preference.
Cars also take realistic damage which of course is dependent on your racing level. The lighting effects are brilliant as are the weather effects and given the recent film Rush starring Chris Hemsworth, there are some similar parallels, especially with the rain effects. The game also successfully captures all the sounds of Formula One racing from the roars of the engines to crashing into a barrier at high speeds.
Final Thoughts?
The developers of F1 2013 should be commended on the amount of realism they have incorporated into this racing simulator. With a variety of different gaming modes, detailed graphics and gameplay that is almost flawless, F1 2013 is also one of those games that plays even better with a wheel. Beautifully presented on the Ps3, there’s actually nothing to complain about this title, except for newcomers who may be a little daunted by the steep learning curve in terms of controls but then there’s always beginner!