Doomsday Clock #11 Review
Summary: Things are really heating up in the DC Universe as Russian has given the US until midnight to hand over Superman.
This week, issue #11 of Doomsday Clock hits the shelves and I, for one, am very excited about this issue. It’s not easy to take what I consider a comic book masterpiece and continue with a sequel, with a different writer. There are many great writers out there but there are not many that I feel could tackle the job of picking up and continuing the work of the great Alan Moore. However, when I heard the job was going into the hands of Geoff Johns I knew the series was in good hands. Though this series hasn’t been perfect, it has paid great respect to the source material of the Watchmen and is really coming together to be one of my favorite stories of DC Comics Rebirth.
With only 1 issue left after this one, the story really kicks it up to high gear. I had to read this issue twice to really unpick everything going on in this issue. Though that does hurt a little, as some of the parts of the story really jump around and it gets a little hard to follow, the parts with Ozmandias revealing his plans to the capture Saturn Girl just left me with chills. It was truly a Watchmen experience. As I kept reading, I didn’t want to stop and the ending absolutely leaves you wanting more with Dr. Manhattan and Superman finally coming face to face. It was absolutely incredible and the pacing for the last few pages really left me in suspense. This issue just put together so many pieces to the puzzle that has been Doomsday clock, much as Alan Moore did in the Watchmen.
I also really loved the art in this book, as I have in the whole series. There is something classic, yet raw, about the art style in this series. Though the story in this issue may have a few problems in some of the pacing and jumping around a lot, the art was never lacking and is something the readers can enjoy for a long time to come.
Geoff Johns really amazed me with this issue, bringing so much of the story to a head and building up to what I hope is a finale for the ages. I really enjoyed this issue and highly suggest it to anyone, who has read up to this point. Its Ozmandias reveals are worth every penny. I’m giving this issue 4.5 stars and will continue to look forward to the ending of a pretty great series.