Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy PS4 review
Summary: Rage quit like it's 1996!
Spin Cycle
I had dabbled with Crash many years ago… I’m not entirely sure which game I played but I remember playing for a short while and then getting frustrated. It was as much the game play style as it was any particular difficulty with the game itself. Flash forward to now and I happily played through level after level, occasionally handing the controller to my son who exclaimed “Oh geez… why do I keep getting the harder levels” (he got he first boulder run and then the first level boss). But quite importantly, I was enjoying it. Now I don’t know whether my taste in games has broadened (possible), whether having prior knowledge of what the game involves meant I knew what I was getting myself in for and so I was able to “prepare” for it… or what… but it wasn’t bad.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. The very start of the game gives a little tip of the hat to the origins versus the new, we see a very pointy Crash and then the new High Def Crash. Dr Neo Cortex looks suitably clearer as expected… including his (what my daughter referred to as) “Crazy hair”. The levels themselves have far more polish on them and the overall package really is a great example of a labour of love. A modern resurrection of a now quite dated game.
With that resurrection of the game comes the adaptation of the controls… there is quite a bit of chatter about this new collection being slightly harder than the older games. I can’t say if that is true or not having not really played the older games extensively by any stretch… but I did read one comment that seemed to gain a bit of traction in regards to the notion that controls can be more finicky now… the older games weren’t typically played with the stick… and you can play this new version with the D-pad… so if you are finding yourself having trouble with the more precise movement points… it may be worth jumping on the D-pad and see if that helps at all… it does make sense as it would be a lot harder to accidentally tip Crash off on a diagonal that way.
There’s a decent bit of variety here. For those familiar with the series you probably already know that but for anyone just jumping in at the deep end… there are variations on levels to keep the game fresh. Switching the direction you advance in the game from running up screen to down and having object chase you. Riding objects or creatures around levels, boss battles, time jumping… really there’s a lot to sink your teeth into.
You don’t have to play the games in order (though the story may work a little better that way)… so if you get stuck in one you can always jump out and have a go at another and then come back later. The challenge starts low but increases at a decent pace as you go so you will feel like you are on top of things one moment only to find the urge to rage quit building as you are a few levels deep. But as tends to be the case with these games… perseverance pays off and that sense of victory is all the sweeter for having to really work for it.
You really can’t go past the value, three full games for the price of one and a really top notch high def update. A great addition for the new initiate or for the nostalgic buff.