Summary: Second golem down, now onto the third.
Rapid developments
Trapped inside a giant pyramid in the Black Lands of Kemet, Boone and company desperately try to close the second portal to Earth, all whilst battling waves of mummies and another copper golem. Once the deed is done, they hightail it out of there heading towards their next destination: the Enchanted Primeval Forest.
We begin this issue inside of the giant pyramid, where we see Boone separated from his fellow companions. Desperate to find his friends, Boone fights his way through hordes of mummies until he hears the faint but familiar voices of his companions. Following the light, he quickly discovers that the giant pyramid has transformed into a gargantuan copper golem, and with time of the essence Boone must act now. Meanwhile, deep inside the beast we see Grandor struggling to close the portal, which acts as the beating heart of the giant golem. Luckily, with the arrival of Boone, comes hope and with the help of some explosive slime, destroys the portal and the golem with it. Second portal closed, now onto the third, which takes them to their next stop, the Enchanted Primeval Forest. A nasty surprise is waiting for them in the dark depths of the woods.
There is a lot going on in this issue, with various new plot developments unfolding at a rapid rate. The story jumps from exploding golem to the enchanted forest in a somewhat jarring fashion, sacrificing the sharp and witty banter that we usually see between our companions. It’s all down to business, with Matt Kindt clearly keen to progress onto the next phase of the narrative. For this reason, I found that the first half of the story doesn’t quite gel with the second half, with a weird kind of disconnect occurring. This doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy reading this issue, it just felt like it didn’t flow in the effortless way that it usually does. In saying that, I loved the compelling developments that Boone and his companions encounter when thy come face-to-face with the mysterious Master Storyteller. The dynamic has suddenly changed, as we see Boone and his friends facing a whole new and unexpected challenge.
We also get to see David Rubin flex his artistic muscle in this issue, as his art style shifts a number of times. I like diversity that this brings to the visual narrative, clearly separating these scenes from the main story, whilst making them stand out in a striking and eye-catching way. I also loved seeing the internal workings of the golem, with tubes and wires twisting in a chaotic and convoluted way. In fact, I’ve found that each of the golems we have encountered so far have all been cool and unique designs, allowing for some new and interesting combat for us to see. The main fun with this one is when it finally explodes, breaking up into tiny detailed pieces. It’s a great moment. Once again, Rubin’s colouring is just so damn pretty and enchanting. I find that it transports this story into an otherworldly realm, and honestly, I can’t get enough of those neon pinks and purples.
Overall, I thought that this issue was a curious chapter in this tale, however, it lacked a little cohesion. We have some interesting developments towards the end, which has me intrigued with what will transpire for Boone and his companions in the future.
I’m giving this issue 3.7 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Matt Kindt and David Rubin
PUBLISHER: Dark Horse Comics
GENRE: Science-Fiction/Fantasy
PUBLICATION DATE: August 15, 2018
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard