Most people have seen
Jurassic Park and have very fond memories. Even though it is approaching
its 20 year anniversary, this absolute classic still stands the test of
time. Steven Spielberg and Michael Crichton's magnificent imagining of
the dinosaur theme park gone wrong is still as amazing as ever in this
trilogy collection.

The less said about the
second film, the better. The Lost World is a collection of dodgy special
effects, unlikeable characters and a jarring plot
note that the only real main character to return is Jeff Goldblum's Ian
Malcolm, with fleeting glances of a handful of others
for good reason. The third in the trilogy, Jurassic Park III, redeems
somewhat that which the second one destroyed, with the return of Sam
Neill and Laura Dern in a simple but thrilling struggle for survival as
they get stuck on yet another island (not again!).

The video is 1080p, and
sure, does it look great. As that helicopter swoops over the jungles of
what is meant to be Costa Rica or when Neill and Dern spot their first
Dinosaur, one cannot avoid being awed. In saying this, there does seem
to be a general graininess to the transfer, that can be seen clearly in
the fleshtones, with a slight washed out colour feel to it. The sound
though, is a beautiful DTS HD Master Audio with a full bodied surround
soundtrack. Birds tweeting around you, the thumping roar of a T-rex,
it's all there and truly makes the jungle come to life.

With over 7 hours of
features, the collection boasts a lot of bang-for-buck. From
commentaries to featurettes to deleted-scenes to storyboards, even the
making of the game is here. I must also mention that included are DVDs
that allow you to have a single digital copy of all 3 films (with DRM,
mind you) tied to a single device, but with the blu-ray handy, I doubt
the usefulness. All in all, this is a worthy collection that includes
one of the best films ever made with some really interesting extras.
Worth a look.

* 3 Movies - 348mins
features and with 7+ hours bonus features