Batman ’66 Meets Wonder Woman ’77 Review
Summary: Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #6 is pure enjoyment from start to finish!
Holy Wonder Bats!
The final issue in this mini-series is finally here as we’re introduced to two TV classics with that being Adam West’s Batman from the 60’s and Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman from the 70’s, two iconic interpretations of these classic characters. On a sad note, Adam West recently passed away from leukemia and I for one hope that his legacy continues in the comics as writers Marc Andreyko and Jeff Parker bring a classic yet modernised story of our favourite TV superheroes.
Before getting into the story what I like about Andreyko’s and Parker’s vision of the Adam West is that he is slightly older with grey temples but is still filled with all the wise cracks that only Adam could do. Reading the dialogue of both Bruce Wayne and Batman in this story is like hearing the words directly from Adam West himself. So kudos to the writers for successfully bringing this superhero to life and of course Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman.
The villain of the story is of course Ra’s Al Ghul as he commences one of his lengthy monologues as he recounts a story of a young Bruce Wayne and the Batcave from the 1940’s, not to mention that the cave could have been home to Ra’s League of Shadows. To make matters worse, Talia has double crossed Catwoman as Wonder Woman and a grown-up Robin in his 70’s Nightwing costume go face to face with Ra’s Al Ghul’s deadly disco dancers. Just like a classic episode of Batman from TV, a fight commences, however Selina (aka Catwoman) has the upper hand as her nightclub bouncer’s step in.
Meanwhile Ra’s asks Bruce to reconsider his offer to join him and Batman does what he does best as he takes out his assassins with 60’s sound effects to boot as our sneaky villain flees. We also see the first meeting between Wonder Woman and Batwoman and before you know it, the caped crusader arrives in a new Batmobile and thanks Diana for supporting him in donning the cowl again. The next panel shows our heroes in a classic pose as penciller David Hanh shows our five heroes (or four if you don’t count the kitty) as they continue their hunt but now with the upper hand.
Of course the odds are never in the favour of heroes as they discover a new league led by The Riddler with Mr Freeze, Clayface, Killer Croc and Cheetah. With some fun over the top dialogue such as Nightwing is about to say something with the word Holy, Batman corrects our older Robin by noting that there is nothing holy about this assemblage of villainy, old chum. Classic stuff guys!
As the heroes fight, Batman goes seeking Ra’s and Talia but it is too late, Ra’s has found the Lazarus pit but something unexpected occurs, Al Ghul doesn’t get the wish he wants as he is turned into a child, only to be led away with Talia for their crimes upon the citizens of Gotham city. As the League of Shadows is stopped, Wonder Woman suggests that they should make their own League and here’s hoping we’ll see another mini-series by Marc Andreyko and Jeff Parker with Christopher Reeve’s Superman.
In conclusion, Batman ’66 meets Wonder Woman ’77 was truly a fun read and although it was more a Batman eccentric story, the writers captured the essence of all the characters involved and had the Batman series continued on TV, you could easily imagine this as a crossover with the world’s favourite Amazonian princess.
All in all, I’m giving this comic 5 holy bat stars!
Art by: Karl Kesel, David Hahn
Cover by: Mike Allred
Written by: Jeff Parker, Marc Andreyko
U.S. Price:3.99
On Sale Date:Jun 28 2017
Volume/Issue #:6
Trim Size:Comic
Page Count:32