Summary: Lucy and Jack Sabbath continue their journey, whilst love is found back at Black Hammer farm.
Exciting revelations!
Lucy and Jack Sabbath continue on their journey, finding themselves in the mysterious Land of Nod. Desperately seeking a way back to Black Hammer farm, Lucy puts her trust in the strange residents of this land. Meanwhile, Barbie and Abe find love, as their romantic lives finally begin to work out, with things looking up for this lovesick duo.
The Land of Nod, a strange and eerie place, inhabited by a motley crew of even stranger beings. The Pallbearer, the Timekeeper, the Matchmaker; all feeling new and alien but at the same time like they have been part of this story from the very beginning. These guys know things about Lucy and reveal some interesting details about what may be going on, exposing a Stephen King-like twist that has me incredibly excited and intrigued. Lucy is on edge and desperate to continue on to the next phase of her journey, hoping that it may bring her closer to getting back. She appears somewhat dismissive and uninterested at first but after speaking to them, has a light-bulb moment and decides to take control once again. This is the moment Lucy really feels like she has stepped into her new role as Black Hammer, using her special powers to unravel the secrets to the maze she is stuck in.
Whilst a lot of revealed with Lucy’s side of the story, we also get some insightful revelations back at Black Hammer farm. Abe and Barbie are finally sorting out their romantic love life, with things progressing for them positively for the first time. Abe and Tammy are happy and all is forgiven, with blessings from Earl surprising them both. Barbie and the priest finally confess their love for one another, wishing to embrace their feelings, instead of hiding from them. Is this all a coincidence, or is there something else at play here? The thing with Rockwood is that it has always felt like a manufactured place, like it isn’t real and exists in its own alternate reality. In the past this has lead me to question whether this town is a cleverly crafted illusion, existing separately from the world they came from. I guess now is the time we find out the answers to these questions that have been niggling at us, and I can’t bloody wait!
Dean Ormston’s art is wonderfully epic in this issue, with surreal landscapes and strange creatures throughout. I love how dreamlike The Land of Nod looks, with giant floating eyes and tomes in the sky along with Gothic looking castles. The strangeness doesn’t stop there, with Lucy encountering the odd family residing within the castle. I loved the look of these guys, somewhat resembling the Adam’s Family in a weird and twisted kind of way. The scenes with Madame Dragonfly and Colonel Weird also stood out to me. This is just a fleeting scene but an impactful one, with Dragonfly looking the most sinister and menacing I’ve seen her, and the Colonel once again looking tormented and disjointed from the space around him. Dave Stewart’s colouring ties it all together in a spooky and haunted little package. For me, his understated palette frames this world in an eerie and bleak light that works perfectly with the flow and pacing of the narrative.
Overall, I was excited by this issue. Some huge things are revealed to us, changing how you might view this series. Jeff Lemire has been cleverly crafting this shadowy masterpiece, keeping a lot of the details hidden behind smoke and mirrors. Well the time is here and we are finally going to see it all begin to come together. Won’t lie, I’m a tad excited about #4 and what Lucy is going to do next.
I’m giving this issue 5 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart and Todd Klein
PUBLISHER: Dark Horse Comics
GENRE: Science Fiction/Superhero
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard